My Poor Baby

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Listen guys I know you might want my neck for not uploading on this as much as my others and I promise this week I wiil and everyother one too kay.


Stephanie's p.o.v

I was finished giving Reese a bath and decided to call the hospital in St.Pettersburg ,Florida.I put Reese in her crib and dialed the number.After about 20 minutes I finally set a date for her to go which was on Tuesday which was about one day away."Hey Ma?"A voice said from the doorway

"Yeah?"I asked

"Is Reese gonna be okay?"The voice which now I recongnized was Valentino

"Come here baby"I told him opening my  arms

He walked forward and I rested my head on his ."I don't know but you know what?"

"What ?"He asked

"No matter what happens we always have to think positive,because thats what god would always want us to do think postitive alright?"I said and only realised I was crying when he wiped the tears from my eyes

"Ma don't cry,I know she is gonna be alright she is strong"

I realised Valention was the child who'd comfort you in any situation."I know baby I'm just thinking about what beautiful,awesome,creative,caring,and loving kids god gave me"I said smiling

He hugged me and I silently cried ."Ma?"Eli said standing in the doorway

"Yeah baby?"I said

"I don't want Reese to go"He said crying

I opened my arms and he ran into them and they both silently cried along with me,I thought about how this would affect my family if she'd been gone.I would be heart broken ,Dustin would most definatly cry because she wouldn't be here when she was to have her first boyfriend,And the kids wouldn't have a little sister to protect.

That thought made me cry even harder."Ma....its ...gonna...-"

"Be...okay"Valentino cut in through sobs.

I nodded looking down at my sons.This last one day was gonna give us all hell.


We'd arrived this morning at 1:00 and they were ready when I got there we'd rented a hotel because we had Eli,Valentino,Ryder,Ross,Ty,Jake,and Lily so we had no choice.They said it was going to take until 13 hours until we got anything.So Jake,Ty, and Lily decided to take the kids to and ice cream shop.Dustin was here with me at the hospital ressuring me that everything was gonna be alright.

"Dus?"I said

"Hmm?"He asked

"I-hope she's alright"I said and here came the water works

"Shh bae don't cry it's alright just remember god has a plan for everything and this right here is part of it so don't think he's just going to give up on her alright"

I nodded.He handed me his Ipod and Breaking Benjamin's song Diary of Jane was playing.It calmed me down and I honestly felt like  everything was gonna be alright.I decided some sleep would be good so that's what I did.

Dustin's p.o.v

I saw that Stephanie was asleep on one of those long waiting chairs while I was on the single ones.I saw the doctor who had taken Reese came down ."Excuse me are you Mr.Verner Reese's father?"He asked

"Yeah ,is she alright?"I asked

"She is doing fine but I'd like to discuss something about her"

I nodded as he took a seat across from me."Okay well she will be able to digest food now,but-"

"But?"I cut him off

"She only has one functional kidney"

One functional Kidney."One ?"I asked to make sure I herd him right

"Yes Mr.Verner one functional kidney,adn she will need medical help back home and I already called the hospital up there and they will help you and little Reese"

I nodded."So she will be alright ?"

"Yes she will"

"Can I see her?"

He nodded and motioned for me to follow him,I debated on wether I should wake up Stephanie.So I tip toed over to her and shook her lightly."Steph wake up we can go see Reese"I told her

She rubbed her eyes and stood up."Okay lets go "She said

We followed the doctor to room number 230 and he motioned for us to go in where a nurse was feeding her."Jancey this Mr. and Mrs.Verner Reese's parents"He said

She nodded and handed Stephanie ,Reese.For the first time we got here she smiled,her real one and not a fake one like usual."Hi baby ,I missed you and now your fine"She said and kissed her head

"I'll leave you two alone"The doctor said as he and the nurse closed the door

"Uh Babe I have to tell you something that the doctor told me"I said

She nodded and looked at me."What was it?"She asked

"He  said she'd be fine and she has only one kidney functioning"

I watched as her face went blank.I saw tears forming as one rolled down and another fell."She will need to go to the hospital for stuff though"

"So she has only has one kidney?"She asked

"Yes but everything will be alright"

"I know I have faith"

She smiled again and looked at Reese.After about an hour or so the doctor came in with release papers and I  signed them as Stephanie held Reese."You ready to go?"I asked

"Yeah and sleep and then back here tomorrow for her check-up"She said

I laughed and opened the car door for her.When we arrived at the hotel we saw Lily,Ty,and Jake with the kids in the lobby Eli and Valentino were talking to an elderly lady.While Lily and Ty held Ryder and Ross.As soon as they saw us they smiled when they noticed Reese in Stephanie's hands.

"So what did the doctor say?"Lily asked

"That she is fine but has one functional kidney and would need regular check-ups"

She answered."Well thats good"

They continued to talk about Reese and other things and thats all thats how the day went on.


Alright well thats the story and what happened to Reese everything is fine WoooHooo.But I need help and I'm having a competition for a new cover ,it will be for the sequal of this it will be about the kids and if you guys want Dustin and Stephanie.But anyhooter the story will be called Love and Warren. So if you could creat a cover and send it to my email. thnk and no this isn't the ending just get ready for it.BTW  you guys have about 15 to 17 chapters left and the competition is from July 24 today - September 1st kk.

Luv Reagan

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