Blah Blah Bang

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Valentino's p.o.v

I couldn't explain how good it felt to see my mom again.I couldn't wait till I saw Eli,the triplets,and everybody else."Val honey did they hurt you?"Mom asked pulling away

But I already saw what they had in mind they were gonna get her and me and take us and abuse us I saw it coming and I couldn't do anything as I searched my brain for something to tell her."Mom you have to move out the way "I told her lowly

"Valentino why?"

"Ma please they are going to hurt you"

She gave me a look of confusion , and thats when it happened Devon wacked her in the head with something metal and looked at me with a wicked smile one that looked like it belonged on a serial killers face.But if you think about it he's kind of like one.I looked at him tears in my eyes ,"I thought you said you'd let me go home"I asked

Mac bent down so he was to my height."Kid whenever someone tells you something don't believe it unless you trust them"And with that he knocked me out.

Dustin's p.o.v

Where is Stephanie she should be home now I mean she only goes to the gym for 20 minutes and its been 30 minutes since she left.I called her about 4 times and got her voicemail."Dad do you know where mom is she was supposed to help me on this math homework"Eli said walking in the living room

"I don't know go get your uncle Ty and tell him to come watch you guys while I go out"I told him

He nodded running off to go get Ty.I made my way to the room and grabbed my keys and phone,I unlocked my Iphone and looked for the gym's number.On the third ring it picked up"Hello?"The voice said in fear

"Hey this is Dustin Verner my wife went to your gym about 30 minutes ago"I stated

"Uh-uh did you say your name was Mr.Verner?"He repeated

"Yes sir I did "

I guess the phone was snatched from him because he didn't sound like him,"Listen Dusty-Baby this is Mac and would you like to hear a story?"This Mac guy asked

I pulled the phone away from my ear and made sure that the caller ID was Steph's Gym."Uhm yeah a story I guess"

"Alright well here it goes there once was a boy named Dustin and he had a wife Stephanie they had twins and then they had triplets.But one night Valentino,your cousin Lily,and Eli decided to go outside thats when they took Valentino from Lily-"

"The hell kind of a story is this and who are you?"I interuppted

"Ah-ah-ah no interuptions or else,when they took Val they slapped him but after two days they went to go visit Rob a gym owner when in walked Stephanie who decided to play hero so they let her but when she asked little Valentine she and the kid got knocked the fuck out........THE END!"

I couldn't speak,I don't even believe I was breathing ."Where are theyy?"I said my voice full of venom

"Dustin are you threatening me with your voice?We wouldn't want Devon to you know accidently pull something do you?"He asked

I took a deep breathe."What do you want?"

"Well, how about you give me 20 mil,and just for fun I'll screw  your girl?"He snickered

"Not funny,kid I want my own kid and wife back I don't want your sperm in her our my kids or I'll find you and kill you"I warned

"Uh-uh-uh no threats or else somebody is gonna get a visit from my screwing rod"

"Were do I meet you?"I asked trying to keep my temper down

"Meet me at the hotel on 23"

"FIne but don't lay a hand on them"

He laughed"Dusting you should know I don't keep any promises so she will be FUCKED Bye!"HE said and hung up


So do you like it I hope you do I needed something to make this story exciting again not that  it wasn't before but you know what i mean anyways what the HE double Hockey sticks is up with Mac,I mean have respect for Stephanie even though she is knocked the fudge out .Do you think Dustin will reach there in time to make sure they are safe?Will Steph have to take something so Val won't get hurt?Well until next time~

~Luv R3agan

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