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I know I left you guys with a cliff hanger so here you go


Sammy's p.o.v

And thats when she began to cry.I went over and held her in my arms,"Shh its okay,don't worry you have other friends and they love you and would have play dates with you whenever"I murmered to her

"N-N-No they don't"She sobbed

"Honey shh,listen to me "I said putting her to face me

"You have a bunch of people who love you and would go to extremes to make you happy and see you smile,you have Daddy,Mommy,Eli,Valentino, and your Auntie & Uncles they love you so much that you don't even realise"I told her

Thats when I felt Titan behind me."Baby listen to me,I don't care what anyone says about not wantimg play dates with you because of how I look because your cousin's would have play dates with you anytime."He stated

"I know Daddy its just that no one talks to me besides the boys and they are older than me"She said

"Well then be friends with them they won't be mean to you"I told her

She sniffled and nodded."How about we go for ice cream?"He asked

Her face light up."Dairy Queen!"She squealed

"Anything you want"

She jumped and hugged him."Thank you Daddy"

I chuckled that kid was such a sweetheart I mean she always had this problem.Every week she would get a new friend and whenever we went to get her the Mothers always told there childeren that they couldn't hangout with her because of Titan and I know he blames himself but he shouldn't.Because before he was ever involved with his mechanic job he was in a gang that I know he told me that long time ago and he got those tattoos to ease the guilt of killing all those people.

"It's my fault you know"He said after a while

"No its not,babe you got them and they mean something to you its not your fault"I told him

"Yes,it is I only joined because he has been my friend since we were small and I couldn't say no because we made a pact no matter what we go through we'd be there for each other"

"Listen,I understand and she will to when you decide  to tell her and you know what she won't hate you"

 "Ready!"She shouted from the steps

"We are to"I told her

"Come on lets go our little girl is waiting for us and I don't mean the one in my tummy"I told him

He chuckled."Yeah lets"He agreed

Lilly's p.o.v

"Uhh I'm so borde,Eli do something funny"I told him

We were currently in his and Valentino's room trying to think of something to do .Because we weren't allowed downstairs- Well they weren't allowed so they had dragged me up here with them.So far we had been in here for about 30 minutes.The first 15 minutes was spent watching Valentino try and make the gatorade fly in the air like how they did in 21 jump street.

But that just resulted in us cleaning for 4 more minutes . After we didn't know hwat to do so we just layed on Val's bed staring at the ceiling."How about we go outside?"Valentino suggested

Eli and I sat up and looked at Valentino with a "Really we already tried"face."No not through the door"he said

"Through what then?"I asked

"The window"

I got up and opened the window and looked down they lived in a two story house and they were on the second floor and for us to get outside we'd have to jump."Dude we're on a second floor and we aren't jumping"I said

"We don't have to"He told me looking at me like I was dumb

"Then how are we going to get down?"Eli asked

"Uhh are you guys really that dense?"

We nodded."Obviously "I said

"Well we have a ladder in the closet well my closet"

"Why do you have a ladder in your closet?,and how did I miss it?"Eli asked

"Well you can't reach the top shelf so......yeah and I have it in here because some people decide to throw my stuff on the fann so I have to get it down somehow and I built it"He stated proudly

"Good to know"I mumbled

He moved to the closet and pulled out a ladder.It had a rope and it was really long,"So let me get thist straight you built that ?"I asked

"Yes I did"

"With what?Eli asked

"With wood and rope duh don't you see that ?"

"You did not just duh me,you do know I am older than you"Eli said

"By four minutes and twelve seconds"Val retorted shoving the ladder down and securing the ropes

"Still I'm older "

"Who cares?"

"I do and so will everyone else"

They continued to argue until I couldn't take it anymore and just yelled."NOBODY CARES WHOSE OLDER ARE WE GOING OUTSIDE OR WHAT!"

They stopped at stared as if I had two heads."Still no one cares"Valentino muttered

Stephanie's p.o.v

"Dustin ! can you get everyone down for dinner"I asked him

"Yeah "

Ugg I looked around and turned off the stove.I walked into the living room and saw Reese,Ross,and Ryder asleep on their rockers.When we were in St.Petersburge I was truely scared for her I didn't want anything to be wrong or go wrong I wanted my baby girl healthy and well."Everyone's ready"He said coming to stand next to me

"Alright,I'll just be a minute"I told him

"You know everything bad that happen to us was for a reason right?"

"I know but for what reason?"

"The reason is because no matter what happens to out  family or friends we are strong and can get through it"

he hugged me from behind and I leaned into his embrace."That was deep"I told him

He chuckled."It was suppose to,to show you that we will be okay in the future even if one of our childeren only have one kidney."

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