Fucking Problems

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know I haven't updated in a while well if you would read my new story it explains part of where I have been but anyways I hope you enjoy.



 Dean's p.o.v

When Valentino, Jessie , and Reese came into the room they looked at Eli. "Dean, what happened to Eli?" Valentino asked

"I don't know one minute I was talking to him and the next you know he stopped talking" I answered

On the contrary only part of that was a lie. He looked at me and then back to Eli. "Girls can you go in that corner where your books are and cover your ears" He said still looking at me

They went over to the corner and did as they where told. "Alright Dean we all know he didn't just stop talking he never stops so what did you do to my brother?"

"Nothing I swear, but anyways I should be leaving now anyways I have an important meeting to go to "

I walked past Valentino and made my way out the door. Those idiots had no idea what was going to hit there family, I just hope I don't have to kill the kid.

Lyric's p.o.v (That's Titans daughter)

Okay I know I'm only 12 but what was that guys problem? I mean really he was gonna kill uncle Dustin ? Was he high, drunk, you know licking some gun powder or something? I came out from behind the book shelf and Valentino looked at me. "Dude when did you get in here?" He asked

"I was always here, I was reading when Dean said- I mean when he walked in" I said quickly

"Did you hear what they were talking about? Or what he did to Eli?"

"I herd some of it and he just hit Eli knocking him out"

"What did you hear?"

"Well you can't tell your Dad but Dean's planning on killing him so that he and Aunt Stephanie can be together" I rushed out

I watched as his face got red. If you've known Valentino for as long as I have you would know he never gets angry not even when Eli pulls pranks on him. He just laughs along like it was funny so for him to get angry was like One Direction being your boyfriend, which we all know would never happen because they are all mine.

"That- That-that- that-"

"Douche, Criminal, Retard, Dumb-butt, uh I'm running out of words."

"All of those who dose he think he is, coming into our house and saying that he is going to kill Dad and marry Mom like Mom would do that he's not a walk in the park, he's not hot, and He is no Channing Tatum or Cody Simpson"

"Okay Val I get it you're embracing your gayness but please this isn't exactly the time to do that"

He nodded and rushed out the door. "Girls you can come out now" I said and walked over to there corner.

They stood up and ran out the door with there dolls in there hands. I walked over to Eli to  find him sitting up and rubbing his head, "What happen?" He asked looking at me

"Well" I said dragging out the word

"Lyric, just say it "

"Okay well, Dean knocked you out after telling you some stuff and that's it really see ya later"

"LYRIC!!!!!!!" He shouted at me but I ran out the room

Stephanie's p.o.v

"You know I can't help but think he's up to something" Dustin said

"I know how you feel, but they said he's changed or else they wouldn't have released him or let him over here" I told him

I know he was just being paranoid but now it was beyond the point. I think he's changed but at the same time I think he's up to something. I mean I know if I was in jail the first thing I'd do would be to visit my kids but he was acting weird. "Mom! Dad! where are you guys?" A voice said

"In the kitchen" I yelled

Valentino looked relived and sat down. "Alright I have a question" He said

"Alright ask away" Dustin replied

"Okay if you knew someone who was planning something would you tell someone about it even though if you tell someone else might be harmed?"

Dustin and I looked at each other then at our son who was looking at the counter. I was puzzled why? Because it just didn't sound like something he would've gotten from his book or from a movie, this sounds like a realistic problem. "Uh Valentino whose this about?" Dustin asked

"I-I- I read it in a book" He stuttered

"Valentino we know this isn't something you read out of a book now tell us so we could help you with it"

"Okay but you have to promise not to tell, well not yet anyways"

"Alright we won't say anything"

"Well Lyric herd Eli and Dean talking, and Dean said that he was gonna kill Dad so then you'd need help and he'd ask you to marry him and that if Eli told he'd kill him. But you can't say anything because you promised you wouldn't"

We starred at Valentino in disbelief, was he serious I mean he wouldn't lie to us so we know he isn't lying maybe Lyric herd wrong. "We won't say anything, just take the kids in the safe room and stay there" Dustin said

He nodded and left the kitchen. "What do we do?" I asked

"I don't know how about we just  see what happens and then do something about it?" He asked and hugged me from behind

I  stayed silent and let him hold me. I can't just wait and see what happens what if we wait to long and by the time we want to do something its to late and he's gone?


What do you think is gonna happen? Will Dean follow throw with his plan? How about Stephanie will she just wait until something happens or will she take action before hand?

Don't forget to..............





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