**A/N**~ Last one, I swear!!

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So how do you like the direction so far?

And I'm sorry for all the authors notes, I just feel the need to update you on stuff and ask how you like the story so far.. I promise this will be the last one for a while. 😂😂

And if you hate authors notes, you can skip this one. Don't worry, I'll still love you😂

So. Go on, tell Raven how her story was. (My name is Raven by the way XD) if up you have any ideas or would like something to happen, feel free to let me know. I'm always open to fan ideas!

I'm already pretty positive on what my direction for the sequel will be, but if you have any suggestions for what you would like to happen, just feel free to comment them! And don't be shy, I won't tell you your idea sucks, because no ideas suck.

Like ever.
Isn't that the whole thing with ideas? They can't suck? 😂😂👏💗

XD anyways, this is the last authors note for a while since I'm pretty sure this is annoying the hell out of you. It's okay, I understand. 😂😂

Sorry for bothering you with this authors note, last one I swear.



Adventure with me ~ Sequel to Brighter Than the Stars {Lauriel}Where stories live. Discover now