Chapter 7

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After being turned away from the king, I felt hopeless. How are we to protect our people? How are we to get our home land back? We're a lost cause. We have no hope to gain back what it ours...

We are nothing.

"Tauriel!" I swing my head around to see Elion running after me. "Elion?" I ask in question. "I want to help." He leans his weight against the wall in urge to catch his breath.

Sighing, I say, "Elion. There is nothing you can do now. Mirkwood is lost." I appreciate his determination and care, but can't he see that we have nothing against them? Can't he see that we are pathetic compared to the massive, outgrowing army of the ruthless orc kin?

"Tauriel, we're getting Mirkwood back." I stare at him, bewildered. What is he talking about? We can't possibly win a battle between thousands of monsters. "We can't win without an army." I turn around to walk away, but his grip on my forearm stops me.

"We don't need an army." I furry my eyebrows with agitation and curiosity. He just stares at me with such determination-- and I could tell he was set on doing whatever he could to help.

"What are you speaking of?"

"I have a plan." I shake my head, glancing back at the floor. "Your father would not accept this. Thank you, but--"

"Tauriel. You once helped me. And I'm going to do whatever I can to help you."

"Elion--" He suddenly grabs my wrist and pulls me towards the gate. "Where are you taking me?" I ask with curiosity. How does he think we can win? Though thousands of orcs and between 4 people, how are we to survive?

"To win back your kingdom."

HEY EVERYONE! I am SOOO sorry for the short and extremely late chapter. I had to go to the hospital, again, for someone in my family. But I'm definitely posting more tonight!

-xoxo, Raven🌙

Adventure with me ~ Sequel to Brighter Than the Stars {Lauriel}Where stories live. Discover now