Chapter 2

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It was cold outside. I'm assuming its nightfall, but it wasn't certain. I was entombed in my own body, I couldn't open my eyes or speak. The noise around me blurred, therefore I couldn't make words of what Legolas was saying.

I didn't feel much, either. I was just laying there unable to make contact with anyone or to reassure Legolas that I'm alive.


I've been shouting her name for hours. She won't wake up or even flutter an eyelash. I brushed the auburn hair from her eyes and wiped the blood from her nose. I turn my gaze upon my father who had just returned

"She was poisoned." I whisper. He walks over to us and looks down on her. "Is she alive?"

"Yes, but barley."

He sits himself on the tree stump, crossing his arms over his chest. "Aren't you going to help me save her?" Why isn't he? She saved his life, the least he could do is save hers. "There is nothing to do. Poison can't just be forgotten, it's already in her bloodstream."

"What is wrong with you? She saved your life."

"I have saved many lives."

I narrow my eyebrows and shake my head. If he won't be considerate enough to help her, then I will. Laying her on the grass, I walk into the forest with my daggers at hand. There may be a healing leaf we used to hold in Mirkwood around here, which is what'll save her.

I slash down vines blocking my path, then stop in my tracks when my eyes rest upon the golden leaf. Dashing over to it, I gently pick it from the ground and slip it inside my tunic for save keeping.

It took me quite some time to get back to Tauriel and my father, but soon her auburn hair came into vision. I run over to where she is resting and glance up at my father.

"Hand me that rock."

"My son, it's pointless. She will die, and you will move on."

"I said hand me that rock." I say, narrowing my eyebrows. He finally gets to his feet and rests it beside me, then I place the leaf on the rock and draw my dagger. If this doesn't at least wake her, then she will most likely die...

I bring the end of the dagger down on the stem of the left and lift her head up with my hand, dripping the liquid given from the leaf into her mouth. Then I wait.


The noises around me filled my head and I could make sense of the words. I was waking up.

Soon, my eyes flutter open and focus on Legolas. His eyes widen and lips curve into a smile. "You're alive." I just stare. My body ached and my chest burned. "I thought... I thought you were dead." He whispers.

"What happened...?" I ask, my words slurring. I sit up and shut my eyes to channel out the dizziness. "I have no idea." Legolas responds as he wraps a blanket around my shoulders.

I shutter at his touch, then relax. "Legolas, I'm fine." I try to reassure him. But I couldn't even convince myself that I would be okay. He just shakes his head and sighs.

I turn my gaze to King Thranduil who was perched on a rock and leaning against an oak tree. "I did not think you would make it,"

"Legolas was also sure of your death." I glance at Legolas and back at king Thranduil. "I would have been too." Legolas doesn't look at his father, he just stares at the ground with an agitated look on his face.

I know Thranduil wasn't all too joyful that I woke up. Even though I saved his life, he still has a strong hate towards me.

I shut my eyes and grit my teeth, feeling a searing pain shoot through my body. "Get some rest." Legolas says, him giving me a worried smile.

I nod and lay back on the grass with a blanket wrapped around my shoulders.

Adventure with me ~ Sequel to Brighter Than the Stars {Lauriel}Where stories live. Discover now