Pangakong Napako

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"Love, I promise you that we will get married." Rhys said
What he says always makes me smile. Rhys is the man who will accomplish everything.
We are here in the court now because it's our graduation.
′′ Love, Congrats to us, finally we can fulfill our dreams." Rhys's happy language
′′ Yeah, right, love." My language is a bit sad
′′ Oh! Why is my love sad?" he asked
′′ I will miss you Rhys." my reply
′′ I'm coming back love and by the time I'm coming back we're going to get married." Rhys happy language
Three days before Rhys left and we went for a stroll.
′′ Love, let's take a picture!" I shouted
′′ Okay, okay, love." his answer
′′ Oh! 1... 2... 3... Smile ′′ I said then click the camera
′′ Love, I wish I could be with you." I said sad
′′ Love, it's okay, I'm coming back." he said, then scratch the head
Rhys has left for the States because that's where his daddy wants them to go.
He's too busy at his job to be me.
Until I found out something..
′′ Hey! Did you know that Sir is about to get married? Rhys ′′
′′ Yeah, right ′′
′′ The girl is lucky ′′
I smile because I know I'm that girl.
Rhys is back so I quickly went to their house.
′′ Ma ' am Julia, you are here, come in." Manang said
′′ Where is Rhys?" I ask
′′ It's on top." Manang's answer
′′ Okay, fine, I'll just go up." my answer and Manang nodded
When I went up I heard Rhys voice and it seems like I heard a girl voice.
I slowly approached the door to hear their conversation.
′′ Rhys, when are you planning on letting Julia know we're getting married." the woman said
′′ And I'm getting ready." he replied
I ran away from that house.
I remember his promises..
′′ We're going to get married, Love."
′′ We will build our own family!"
′′ Love, I love you so much!"
I just smiled bitterly..
′′ Rhys, you promised me but why did you get broken haha." I whisper to nothing
I'm crying and crying because of what he did to me..
′′ Our anniversary is coming soon." my whisper
I immediately prepared food because I knew he was going to the condo today..
Until the night came I heard someone knocking..
And that was Rhys..
′′ Happy 8th anniversary, Love." I feel good to him that I will go near him when he avoids
′′ Uhmm.. Julia I have something to tell you." he said
My heart beat faster because of nervousness..
"Let's end this our relationship."he said
′′ Love, sorry I love Chloe." he added
′′ Rhys, can we celebrate our last anniversary?" I said
And that's what we did..
′′ H-happy 8th A-anniversary, L-love." Stuttering, I said
′′ Happy Anniversary, Love." he is happy with a bitter smile
′′ I'm leaving Julia." she said
When he left I instantly freaked out..
Cried and cried..
Until her wedding day comes..
I saw him wearing a tuxedo waiting for the bride..
I'm crying because I'm the one he promised but he fulfilled it to others.

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