Vol. 5 Ch. 29 Redemption

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3rd Person POV

Blake exits her father's study, stepping out onto the balcony where an armored guard is standing. The guard turns and addresses her, "Good evening, miss. Can I get you anything?" Blake replied, "Just a little time to myself, if that's alright." The guard nodded and said, "Sure thing. Just call, if you need me." Then the guard walks into Ghira's study, shutting the door behind her. Blake takes a deep sigh and is soon alerted by a familiar voice saying, "You need better security." Alarmed, Blake turns to see Ilia drop down onto the railing. The young Belladonna reaches for the door, but Ilia holds her hand up and said, "Please! I-I just need to talk." Blake slowly took her hand away from the door and said, "How could you take the fall for them, Ilia?" Ilia stood up amd said, "Blake..." Blake continued, "Corsac and Fennec blamed you. We confronted them tonight, and they deny knowing anything and everything found on your Scroll. They talked about how disappointed they were to hear that you'd sided with Adam. But you and I both know they're guilty." Ilia replied, "You can't prove anything." Blake said, "That Scroll might not have been enough to lock them up, but it's enough to sway the Faunus here. When we go public tomorrow, they're not going to stand for any of it. And neither should you." Ilia removes her mask, a solemn expression on her face as she said, "Your plan isn't gonna work, Blake. Please... just leave Menagerie before it's too late. And take Y/N with you!" Blake stares at her in silence for a few moments before saying, "You're going to have to make us." Ilia remains silent for a few moments before responding sadly, "I know." The chameleon Faunus put on her mask once again and steps backward off the balcony.

Time Skip
(Brought to you by Chibi Y/N using a laser pointer to mess with Chibi Blake)

Your POV

Ghira was talking to everyone in Menagerie about the recent events regarding the White Fang and said, "Recently, a spy from the same splinter group set their sights on this very home. My own daughter, Blake, her boyfriend, and her friend did their very best to apprehend this individual. While they were unsuccessful after being physically assaulted and seriously injured, they were successful in obtaining the assailant's Scroll." Ghira takes out the Scroll from inside his coat and continued, "With this, we have been able to ascertain that Adam Taurus has plans to overthrow the current leader of the White Fang, Sienna Khan, and take over the reins himself."

At this, the crowd starts to loudly murmur in concern. Ghira continued, "His radical plans do not stop there, the documents on this scroll proclaim his next target to be Haven Academy and its attached CCT Tower. Their plan is to strike on the last full moon before the beginning of the Fall semester, roughly two months from today. I have sent my swiftest messenger to the government of Mistral, but I believe we have a greater responsibility. My relationship with the White Fang has been... an interesting one. Years ago, I led the organization to help try and create a world where I, and every Faunus who wished, could walk alongside the human race. And while I believe we made great strides toward this goal, it was made clear to me that the people both in and out of the White Fang wanted faster results. So I stepped down, and Sienna Khan was appointed as my successor. It's true that I do not fully condone many of her methods. What I do condone is what Sienna fights for: the idea that the Faunus and humans are, and should be, equal. Adam Taurus does not seem to have that goal in mind. What he has done benefits no one but himself. I think it's time that the Faunus showed the world that we are equals! Time that we snuff out this splinter group, and restore the White Fang to what it once was!"

Time Skip
(Brought to you by Chibi Blake going fishing)

After spending hours trying to get signatures and failing, I met back up with Blake and Sun. Sun slammed his cup down and said, "I don't get it! How can they just sit around and do nothing with the White Fang getting ready to attack?!" Blake sighed and said, "Because not everyone is like the three of us. The Faunus here in Menagerie ─the ones that weren't born on the island─ moved here because they were tired of fighting, of having to struggle constantly. Menagerie is filled with people that just want to be left alone." I scoffed and added, "And here we are, asking them to put the rest of the world before themselves."

Sun replied, "I guess I never really thought about it like that." Blake said, "The problem is, whatever happens at Haven is going to affect them whether they like it or not. If Adam gets his way and Haven falls, it's only going to make things worse for the Faunus. Everywhere." Then Sun said, "Adam... He's the guy you used to... work with?" Blake sighed and said, "Yes." Seeing Blake's discomfort, I wrapped my arm around her waist and Sun said, "Sorry, forget I brought it up." Then Blake said, "No, it's okay." She was silent for a moment and then said, "Have you ever met someone and thought to yourself, They are the personification of this word." Sun rubbed his head and replied, "Uhh..." Blake said, "Okay, well, I remember getting to know Ruby and thinking, This girl is the embodiment of 'purity'. After a while, I saw Weiss was 'defiance'. And Yang was 'strength'." Sun asked, "What am I?" Blake smiled and said, "Jury's still out on that one, but I'm leaning towards 'earnest'." At this, Sun wrapped his tail around his cup and took a sip from it, before leaning on his hand affectionately. I chuckled and said, "And what about me?"

Blake looked at me and said, "You're 'redemption', because despite your family's history, you always try to redeem yourself and others around you." I smirked as I held my head up high proudly. Blake giggles and smiles for bit, before frowning as she continued, "At first I thought Adam was 'justice', then I thought he was 'passion'. But over time, I realized I was wrong. He wasn't any of those things. He was 'spite'. Not 'hatred', not 'rage', 'spite'. He won't accept equality, only suffering for what he feels the world did to him, and his way of thinking is dangerously contagious. That's what worries me about Ilia. She's not like Adam, not yet at least, but I don't know how long that will last." Sun asked, "She was your friend, huh?" Blake replied, "She was. Her chameleon traits meant she could pass as human. She could've lived a normal life if she wanted, but she didn't. I always admired that. She lost her family in a mining accident when she was young, then she joined the White Fang. Like me, she was more or less trained on the road alongside other Faunus. She learned to survive, to defend herself, but as people like Sienna and Adam started to gain a following, she became more dangerous. I guess I did too. My parents tried to get me to leave with them, but I refused. I had Adam and Ilia, after all." Sun said, "You know we're gonna have to face her eventually." Blake replied, "I know." I said, "So, what are you gonna do?" Blake answered, "I'm going to try and help her the way you helped me." Sun and I were both surprised at her response. Then Blake said, "You showed me that sometimes you need to be there for a friend even when they don't want you to be. I was drowning in guilt and fear, I tried to push you away, but you didn't give up on me. And I can't give up on Ilia. It's about time I saved my friends for once." Sun and I both smiled at her response.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.
Master out.

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