VI. Cafe

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I saw Mark and Ryan standing in the hallway with their backs towards me. I smiled as I started to go quietly towards Ryan. I was pretty sure they did not hear me because when I touched Ryan's shoulder he jumped up. 

"Holy fuck, why would you try to kill me?" Ryan said and I started to laugh. "It is kind of fun to scare you," I said as I stood beside Mark. "Yeah, it is fun to scare you," Mark said and I smiled. "See? Now, does someone want to join me after school at the new cafe?" I asked. 

"I can't, my dad needs help with fixing the car," Ryan said and I nodded. We both looked at Mark and he shrugged. "Sure," He said and I nodded. "Well, you are skipping on a good one. I heard that they have really good ice cream," I said, and he groaned. 

"It is not my fault my father needs me!" He said and I snickered along with Mark. "Let us go to class, Mark," I said and he nodded. We started heading away and I realized that my class is on the other side of the school.

"Mark... my class is on the other side..." I said, not looking at him. "Don't embarrass yourself now," He replied and I laughed. "But I need to get to class," I said and stopped walking. "Alright then, see you later," He said before I started walking the other way. 

I smiled at Ryan as I passed him, he rolled his eyes playfully and I laughed. I managed to get to class on time. I sat in the back as always and listened to the boring history class. The subject of history was not boring... the teacher made it boring. 


"Here is our favourite short girl," Ryan said and I turned around. I glared at him and crossed my arms. "I am not short," I said and he laughed along with Mark. "You are," Mark said and Ryan nodded agreeing with him. 

"I will go alone to the cafe then," I said as I turned around and started walking. A hand pulled me backwards and made me turn to them. "What?" I asked Mark as he still held my arm. He was still laughing with Ryan. 

"Come on, it is just a joke," He said and I huffed my cheeks. "Oh no, shortie is mad," Ryan said and they both started laughing. They found making fun of my height really fun. "Shortie will make you sterile soon," I said and his eyes widen. 

"Please leave me alone demon!" Ryan said and I smiled in satisfaction. "Remember who is control Ryan," I said, establishing dominance. "Okay, let us go, before you kill him," Mark interrupted as he put his hands on my shoulder to turn me around. 

"See you tomorrow!" Mark said to Ryan as we walked away. Soon enough he was walking beside me and not behind me. I looked at him and he raised an eyebrow at me. "What?" He asked. "Why won't you let me kill him?" I asked and he chuckled. 

"We don't need our hitter in jail," He said and I crossed my arms. "We don't need our hitter in jail," I mimicked his voice. "Don't be a brat and let's go to the cafe," He said as he ruffled my hair. "Or what?" I replied and he just shook his head. After five minutes of walking, we finally arrived at the cafe. We stood there looking at the menu and trying to decide what to get. 

"I think I will get an iced coffee along with chocolate mint ice cream," I said and he nodded while still looking at the menu. "I will go with the same," He answered and finally looked at me. He smiled at me and I smiled back. 

"Let us go and order then," I said and we walked to the counter. "How can I help you today?" The girl behind the counter said. "Could we get two iced coffees along with two chocolate ice cream?" Mark said and the girl looked up at us. 

"Yeah, of course," She said before writing it down. "Something more?" She asked and Mark looked at me. "No, thank you," I said as I looked at her. "Alright, that will be 15 dollars," She said and Mark pulled out his wallet. My eyes widen. 

"Can we split the bill?" I asked and Mark glared at me. "I am paying," He said before handing the money to the girl. "Here is the change," The girl handed him the change, she totally ignored the fact that I asked to split. 

"It will be done in a minute," She said and Mark nodded before dragging me to a table. "You didn't need to pay, now I feel bad," I said as I sat down in front of him. "I wanted to pay," He said and I groaned as I lied my head on the table. I heard him chuckle softly. 

"I am paying next time," I said as I looked up at him. "We will see about that," He said and I groaned again making him laugh. "How is your knee?" He asked and I looked up. I never told him that my knee is hurting. 

"It is fine... how do you even know that it hurts?" I asked and he shrugged. "I just noticed that sometimes when you land from a jump or dip you grab your knee for a little and make a face..." He said as he rubbed the back of his neck. 

"Oh..." I said and looked away. "I don't think anyone else noticed..." He said and I nodded. "That is good, I don't really want to sit on the bench," I said and smiled at him. "How long does it hurt?" He asked and I shrugged. 

"A while, I guess," I said honestly and he nodded. "Have you been to the doctor?" He asked and I shook my head to no. "I don't bother," I answered and he glared at me. "You should," He replied and I nodded. 

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