XI. Next time?

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It was Sunday at 5.30 pm, I was running around the house trying to find the house keys. My mother was at work and would be back late at night. I groaned as I stood in the kitchen. I needed to get a detector for my keys if it would go like that.

Tall volleyball guy <3:
I am starting to drive, I will be there at 5.50 pm

Small person <3:

I cursed under the breath as I ran to my room. I picked up my purse and slung it over my shoulder before switching off the lights in my room. After twenty minutes of looking for my keys, I found them. I looked at the clock, at 5.48 pm.

I felt my heart pick up peace as I felt stressed. It was my first date and I left like passing out. Although, it was not time to pass out. I fiddled with my hands and looked at my phone. He would probably text me when he was outside.

Or he would just knock on the door. I took a deep breath before walking to the front door. I looked at myself in the mirror before opening the door. Mark looked up at me from his feet. He smiled as he saw me.

"Hi," I said and smiled at him. "Hi," Mark said and he was smiling while looking at me for at least a minute before talking. "Are you ready?" He finally asked and I nodded. He stepped aside and I walked out of the house.

I locked the door and looked at Mark. We walked to the car and he opened the door for me. I thanked him as I sat in the car. God, why was he such a gentleman? He soon joined me in the car.

"Where first?" I asked as Mark started the car up. "Cinema, and then maybe the new cafe?" Mark said. "Sounds great," I said and Mark hummed softly back. "What film are we watching?" I asked and looked out the car window.

"Newest spiderman," Mark said and I smiled. "I love avengers movies," I said and looked at Mark. "Yeah, they are pretty good," Mark said and looked quickly at me before looking back at the road with a smile on his face.

"You look beautiful," Mark said and I felt so shy when he said that. "Thank you," I said in a whisper. The rest of the ride was silent, but it was peaceful. I liked the silence we sat in, it was comfortable.

There we were, walking into the cinema together. Mark paid for the movie tickets, which I wanted to pay for. He just laughed at me and patted my head as he gave me one ticket. I huffed my cheeks and shook my head.

"Let us go," Mark said and reached his hand out for me to take. I smiled and put my hand in his before we started walking inside the hall. We had the seats in the back, which are the best seats. We sat down waiting for the movie to start.

"They should start soon," Mark said and I nodded. My hand was still in his, which I got used to by now. He had much bigger hands than me, but after all, he was much taller than me. He had a smile on his face, which was just adorable, to be honest.

The movie started and we watched it. Mark was commenting on something making me laugh or roll my eyes playfully at him. The film was good, but we could watch a horrible movie and I would still probably enjoy it with him beside me. 

"How would you rate it from one to ten?" Mark asked and I looked at him. "Hm, maybe an eight," I said and Mark nodded. "What about you?" I asked and his smile got bigger. "Well, to be honest, I was not watching the film the whole time..." Mark said and I laughed.

"What else were you doing then?" I asked, already knowing the answer. He shook his head and chuckled. "Guess," Mark said and I pretended to think about it. "I really dont know, can't figure it out," I said, sarcasm dripping out of my voice.

"Alright, to the cafe now," Mark said as he stood up. I stood up too and he took my hand in his. We walked out of the cinema and sat inside Mark's car. We were driving to the cafe while talking about the film. My smile would not leave my face.

"There is out last stop," Mark said as he parked the car. I hummed back at him before we got out of the car. We walked inside the cafe and found a table for two beside the window. The view out was on a park right across the street.

"What do you want to drink?" Mark asked me, snapping me out of my thoughts. I looked at him before looking at the small menu. "Um, ice tea," I said before looking up at him. He nodded and looked at his menu.

"Okay, I will be right back," Mark said and stood up before I had time to react. I signed and rubbed the bridge of my nose. Of course, he would not let me pay. My eyes followed him as he walked to the cashier.

I looked away as I saw him looking at me. I started looking outside and thinking about random stuff. I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard the chair in front of me move. I looked at Mark who had a satisfied smile on his face.

"I will pay next time," I said and he shrugged. "So there is a next time?" He asked and I smiled as I looked away. "Besides we will see about that," He added and I signed. "I hate you," I said jokingly as I looked at him.

"Really?" He said with a raised eyebrow. I did not answer, making him chuckle and I smiled even more.

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