21 happy endings are real

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Sherlock lunged in and ducked his head to reach John lips again. His head was spinning, somehow there had been a spark and that spark had allowed him to remember everything. Every lost feeling, every forgotten kiss. Apparently true loves kiss really did work, just not as the stories told it. Real life was so much better.

John pressed his forehead to Sherlock's in hope he would understand how much his love meant. John had been losing all hope, but now there was no need for hope as he may be able to finally live the life he so wanted with Sherlock.

Sherlock licked his lips and whispered into johns ear: 'please'
'Let's go to your place'


The fire was blazing, Sherlock was sitting in his blue robe and in his mind palace thinking about god knows what. John was reading the newspaper sitting in his comfy armchair. The Baker Street boys were happy and content.

Three months later

After a lot of pleading John had finally convinced Sherlock to travel out of London, they went to The Daffodil restaurant in Cheltenham. It was a childhood favourite of johns and bought back many memories.

John had agreed to meet Sherlock in the restaurant at 7, it was currently 7:15 and Sherlock was late, John had no doubt he would turn up. Flicking his eyes towards the door he noticed a raven haired man saunter in and walk towards the table John was sitting at. Raiding his eyes, John looked at the man he had been with for so long, the man he loved.

'Hello John.'
'Hi, I've ordered all ready, what do you want?'
'Uhh I think I'll have the steak, that's what you said was your childhood favourite right?'
'Yes, yes it was. I ordered the same thing!'

Ten or fifteen minutes later their meals had come and they were both in comfortable conversation at peace with one and other. John had not felt this happy in a long time.

They both had finished their meals and were sipping champagne, when John felt it was the right time. Sherlock was in the bathroom so that gave John the time he needed to prepare. He grabbed the ring out of his breast pocket. All he had to do know was wait.

Sherlock walked back towards the table with a slight sweat. He patted the bulge in his breast pocket and placed himself in his seat.

John saw Sherlock sitting down and knelt down on the floor with the ring in his hand.
I offer you my hand, my heart, and a share in all my possessions. I ask you to pass through life at my side- to be my second self, and best earthly companion. I ask you to be my husband. Will you do the honour in becoming my husband?'
Sherlock's eyes were filled with tears as he pulled out the second ring in his pocket and fumbled to open it up.
John looked at the ring and back at Sherlock and started to laugh.
'I do. Oh John of course I do!!'

Sherlock gave John his ring and he John a small peck on the lips. Well he wasn't having that. John leaned in again with a hungry look in his eyes and grabbed Sherlock's hair, and looked in his eyes. He pushed his lips onto Sherlock's and they fell into oblivion, completely unaware of the applause that was surrounding them in the restaurant.


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