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stepping out off the bed, john did know what he was supposed to do. sherlock still hadn't come home. he had been gone 24 hours now and john was getting increasingly more worried about him. sherlock was known to go missing for long periods of time but not like this. there was always a warning. something that would trigger it. this time was different. john had not noticed anything change in the days and weeks leading up to this. no extreme signs of depression, no drug uses, no panic attacks no nothing. he seemed happy if anything. peaceful.

he went to the bin and picked up the note and examined it. it seemed of. he compared it to the handwriting of a previous letter that sherlock had been writing. the handwriting on the two notes seemed different. not by a considerable amount but still different. the way they wrote their W's was different and the way the S's is extremely different. the notes handwriting was no where near as dramatic and swirly as sherlocks original handwriting. after looking at it for a while john became more sure that the note was not written by sherlock. but that begs the question, if not sherlock then whom?

john decided he should call lestrange up as he had said last night. he dialed the number he had given john- it was his personal number so he could get straight through to him.

'hello? is this Greg?'
'oh! hello john. has there been an update on where sherlock is? has he returned? any sign?'
'no. he still hasn't come home or even rung me.'
'okay I'm sending someone out to look for him. i will also call his brother, mycroft and explain the situation to him. but knowing mycroft he will probably already know all about it.'
'greg, another thing i noticed, the note he left. its not his handwriting. some body else wrote it.'
'someone else? shoot.'

john could tell they were both thinking the same thing. what if something really bad had happened to sherlock? he could have been kidnapped. kidnapping sherlock Holmes would be a difficult task indeed so it must be a high tech criminal or someone who knew him.

he tried to calm himself down, if anything were to happen to sherlock he could look after himself. he didn't need to john to protect him. now that greg and his team and mycroft would be helping look for him john knew sherlock would be found eventually. he just hoped that they wouldn't find him dead.

johnlock: forgive and forgetWhere stories live. Discover now