4 secrets

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john was getting increasing worried about sherlock. he had been ignoring john recently and when they actually got a chance to talk he was always acting awkward and abruptly ended the conversation as soon as possible. sherlock was always sneaking of at night, leaving the flat when he thought that john was asleep. where he goes to every night no one knows. he always returns the next morning claiming to have gone out for an early morning stroll.

little did john know that sherlock was going clubbing- something he had never done before now- to try ease the pain of john never loving him would ever go away. it wasn't working. all that it did was allow sherlock to see how lonely he was. seeing all the couples in the clubs just made him feel even more alone. 

sherlock would only ever go to gay cubs as to be sure not to ever bump into john my mistake. john would never have a reason to walk into a gay bar so sherlock was sure that he would never see john in one. 

sherlock POV:

one night, sherlock had stepped out of his room sure that john was asleep and Mrs. Hudson was watching her late night soaps on its highest volume. he creeped down all flights of stairs an carefully closed the door and set off for another night on the town. 

sherlock had tried over fourteen clubs and all of them seemed to be empty. he walked onto one called 'hells angels' and this one was crowded with people and full of life and noise. sherlock approached the bar and ordered a red burgundy- one of his personal favorites from eastern France. it came within 5 minutes and in that five minutes sherlock had been groped within an inch of his life. at the very least, 7 people had clenched his ass. he wasn't interested in any of them whatsoever. he only came here to numb the pain and these males-that were most likely all over 50- weren't helping him in that area.  apparently, as he was a young male with dark curls and a tall lean body, many people were attracted to him and thought it necessary to feel him up every time they get a chance. because that's sociably acceptable in society nowadays.

after sherlock had drunk another 5 glasses he was drunk enough to start dancing and having fun. he stepped onto the dance floor with the music blasting as loud as it could go and the lights blinding anyone who looked at them. an attractive man around thirty one was grinding against sherlock, obviously trying to come on to him. it was working. sherlock already had a hard on and was about to ask the young man if he would accompany sherlock to a hotel that he had booked prior the evening- something he always did so john did not get suspicious. he suddenly stopped what he was doing as he noticed a somewhat familiar face sitting alone in the corner. 

johns POV:

john heard sherlock leave the flat once again when he though john was asleep. John was starting to get exceedingly anxious about sherlock. this would be the ninth night in a row that sherlock has snuck out. john wasn't usually one for worrying but he couldn't help but wonder where it was his flat mate was going every night. 

so this one night, after he heard sherlock shut the door oh so quietly john decided he was going to find out where sherlock was always going of the at night. 
he followed sherlock to over 10 clubs when it finally looked like sherlock was ready to go home he noticed a rather noisy club called 'hells angels'. john watched as sherlock had walked into the club and sat outside for a minute or two as to not cause suspicion. he instantly distinguished sherlock sitting alone at the bar with his usual drink- a red burgundy . john observed as many people tried to get his attention none working. wait... all of these people were men. noo. oh sugar. he spun around and scanned the dance floor. this was a gay bar. all the clubs and bars they'd been to were gay bars. shite. sherlock was defiantly gay then. that explained a lot. why hadn't sherlock told him? did he think that john would care or something? not want to share a flat? oh that stupid man. 

john realized that sherlock was on the move again. john watched intently as sherlock started dancing with a man around 30 and were grinding against each other. john could see sherlock start to get excited and it looked like he was ready to go home or wherever he takes his new 'friends'. john noticed sherlock falter for a second and he glanced around the room and did a double take as he noticed john sitting at the opposite end of the club watching him. did sherlock recognize him? it had to be over ten meters distance between them... 

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