15 Please dont forget me

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A/N hi people! Thank you so so much for the 1000 reads I honestly can't believe it! And I've got like a few for followers so that's cool. Updates are taking a bit longer than usual as I'm kinda busy over the break and then I'll be going back to school but I promise I will try to keep updating as much as possible- at least once a week. Thank you again for reading this you amazing sherlockians!!

Moriarty's eyes were the last thing that Sherlock wanted to see before he died. He would much prefer johns beautiful eyes but as that was not an option he supposed this would have to do.

The death of Sherlock Holmes was starting to become old news, it had already happened and everyone had become accustomed to him being dead. Mycroft would be fine and so would Greg, Mrs. Hudson and molly would all also be fine. It was John he was worried about.

John has already had to put up with Sherlock being dead once and it had broke his heart. He didn't want that to happen again. John didn't deserve that.

Sherlock deduced he had about three seconds before moriarty pulled the trigger and he knew he had 3 options. 1: he could get killed and John would be safe. 2: he could escape and John would die. 3: he could try and make a deal with moriarty that meant both of them would die and be safe. Well... safe ish.

'Sherlockkk.' Moriarty was stepping closer and the knife was now inches away from Sherlock's throat.
'STOP. Stop. Please. Let me make a deal with you? What do I have to do to make you not kill me? And John. Both of us have to live. Can't we come to some sort of agreement?'
'I have one suggestion... but I'm not sure your going to like it very much. I didn't think you would appreciate me even suggesting it? But if your sure...'
'I'm sure. I can't hurt John again like I did before. He doesn't deserve that.'
'Okay Sherlock. But you still have the choice?'

Moriarty lowered his knife and looked into Sherlock's glassy eyes. He put his mouth to Sherlock's ear and whispered seven simple words that would leave Sherlock utterly confused.
'I want you to forget John Watson'


For over three hours John had been standing on the roof top debating whether or not he was making the right decision. In all honesty this wasn't what he wanted, he didn't want to die just yet. Not when he knew he could have a full life ahead of him.
And yet, here he was. Not wanting to live in a world without Sherlock Holmes. Why should he have that privilege? However it was the thoughts and feeling of his friends and family that were putting him in a rather uncomfortable position. He didn't want to hurt Mrs. Hudson and molly. Lestrange and Mycroft. His sister. So many people that John didn't want to hurt.

After another hour of considering and reconsidering, John retraced his steps down from the roof and walked back to the flat. The whole way there his head was full of doubt.

How was he going to live his life without Sherlock?
He needed a break. In fact, he deserved one. He called up Mrs. Hudson and told her that he was going to take a break and stay at the hotel for a week as a sort of healing session. As he didn't want to tell he the absolute truth- he couldn't stay in 221b without Sherlock. Then, he called up l linden hotel to book a stay in one of there best suites. It was expensive but worth it. The hotel was one of the only hotels that he hadn't been to with Sherlock so he had decided that it was the most suited.

After John had packed everything he needed he headed out the door and said his farewells to his landlady/house keeper and looked at his flat one last time before walking down the steps and waving down a cab. This obviously took a lot longer than usual as there never were spare cabs unless Sherlock was around. Somehow Sherlock seemed to be able to call down a cab within seconds.

When he'd finally got a cab and arrived at his hotel he unpacked his bags and stuck the television on. Not because he wanted to watch it, but because he wanted to drown the thoughts of Sherlock out.

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