Author's Note

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  • Dedicated to all of you

[fetus 5sos jump on the side/top bc why the hell not.]


Hello there…

First of all: Thank you so much for reading Lines!! I love every single one of you.

About the ending…This was how I planned it to end. Well, actually my first plan was that this would be the first time they met but then decided against it and let them meet earlier.

And the kiss…well, they just HAD to kiss, right?

Another fun fact is that when I first got the idea of this book, I thought about having Michael as the main character. Now imagine if I actually had picked Michael instead, wouldn’t that be a little awkward with Abigail and Michael…? Ha. Ha. Ha. (Laugh with me.)

I love you all. Very much. I love you as much as I love penguins and 5sos. And if you ever need anyone, you can always send me a message! I care a lot about you. xx

- Sofi.

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