Chapter 13

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Dear Luke,

I don’t have any more jokes but I saw a joke book at the store the other day and was actually thinking of buying it. You just gave me another reason do it, so thank you. I will let you know some more jokes later…

I agree that some things are better off being unsaid, but sometimes those unsaid things grows and grows inside of you until you reach that point when you just burst. And that is not good. Don’t do that to yourself. Don’t keep everything to yourself. If you don’t want to tell me, find someone else you can tell. Maybe Ashton, or write down everything in a journal. Just get it out.

I know what it’s like being alone with not having someone to talk to at times. But you’ve actually helped me. Even though I haven’t put my feelings into words, just writing you, knowing you’re there, has helped me and I thank you for that. And I do want to hear what’s on your mind. Trust me, I really do. Because I know we can get through this together somehow. If you tell me, I will tell you.

Take care,


Why are there tears in my eyes? Why am I biting my bottom lip? To prevent them from falling? She said she is lonely and I bet she’s missing something else too. Maybe she’s broken, I don’t know. I wish she would tell me instead of having me tell her first.

“Have you told her yet?” Ashton says in between pushups, as if he’s read my mind.

“No,” I say and blink away the tears. Or at least I try to.

“You’ve gotta tell her. You shouldn’t keep this away from her.”

“It shouldn’t matter where I am anyway,” I half shrug, hoping he won’t look up at me and see my red eyes. 

“No, but she will find out eventually and it better be sooner than later unless you’re ready for some real hell to break loose.”

I glance over at Ashton again. Hell to break loose?

“Hell’s not breaking anything, what are you talking about?”

“I’ve heard you, Luke. And seen you. At night when you think I’m asleep. I can hear you open all the letters she’s sent and you trace every letter, every word with your fingers. And this letter, whatever is in it, it made you sob,” Ashton says and falls down on the floor after god-knows-how-many pushups.

He called me Luke. Ashton has never called me by my first name before.

I shrug again, and curse over the fact that he heard me sob. I thought I only did that in my head. But her words. Her words just…

I haven’t felt attached to anyone before, not even before I got into this shitplace. I never thought I’d actually get attached to anyone like this. Sure I’ve had a girlfriend or two, but my feelings towards them weren’t like this, I didn’t feel attached to them. And this time it is a little different since I don’t know her. I don’t know Abby at all. I don’t know what she looks like or what she likes, except for the small clues in her letters.

But still, I’m attached and I don’t know how I feel about that.


It’s Monday and Felicity is late, as usual, so I’m the one sitting by the reception desk by the entrance. What I like the most about dad’s job is that it’s door to door to our house. Actually it’s a part of our house. When the residents of the next door house said they were moving, dad quickly made an offer and then let the new building become his office. Not all of it, only the bottom floor. So basically, I live in two houses. It’s not that big though, as you could have thought, but it’s more than enough space. 

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