Chapter 6

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It’s 3 am, I am sure. I’ve counted the minutes since I overheard two of the guards talking while doing their daily – or should I say nightly – tour around the building, saying it was 2.47 in the morning. I don’t even know what they’re still doing it. Nothing ever happens at this hour. Believe me, I know.

It’s 3 am and I know this will be another one of those sleepless nights. I also knows it’s Visitor’s day tomorrow, or today depending on how you look at it, between 2 and 4 pm, but I will stay here. Maybe I can go for a walk out the patio while everyone’s visiting their families. Maybe I can take a nap.

Last time someone came and saw me was for my birthday. Mom and dad said a quick hello but they left pretty quickly. I could see the disappointment in my mom’s eyes and my dad looked bored. Both looked uncomfortable and the way they looked at the entrance, I could tell their dissatisfaction of being here. Jack and Ben came soon after my parents left and stayed for about 10 minutes, just for me to catch up on the latest news. Apparently Ben was planning on proposing to his girlfriend Mary. I don’t know if she said yes or no. I hope she did say yes but even if she did, it’s very unlikely I will make it to the wedding. Jack told me he had moved back home and was looking for a new apartment. Once again I wished good for my brothers.

That was one and a half month ago.

I’ve gotten used to it. The no-visiting thing. They don’t want to be affined with me. I don’t blame them. 

Instead of taking a walk in the patio, I go to the waiting room and see people rejoice with their loved ones. I see Evan Evans sit down with an elderly lady who keeps wiping her eyes. I see Will Evans getting parted from a blonde woman by a guard and a few curses are probably thrown out. I see that old man who’s always by himself sit together with a teenage boy and a woman. I realize, when I look at the woman, he is probably not much older than my dad and then I realize that the boy is his son. Prison does the most horrible things to you.

I continue looking over the people and the hugs and gifts that are shared. The gifts will probably get thrown away unless they’re letters, because of the security. Then I see Ashton together with his mom in one of the corners. There’s a huge grin on his face and he’s gesturing something with his hands which makes his mom laugh. I’ve only met her once and that was earlier this year. Ashton introduced us. I think her names was Anne something, but she told me to call her Mama Irwin and she had crinkles by her eyes when she said it. 

I continue watching Ashton and I wonder about his life. I don’t know that much about him. Prison isn’t exactly Middle school and if we’d ask about each other, I’d guess we’d be beaten down. I haven’t tried. We’re not that close. I mean, we call each other by our last names, except for Ashton who keeps calling me Hemmo for some reason when we’re alone. And I call him Ashton sometimes, but mostly only in my head. If you look at Ashton, you’ll think he’s some jerk because of his stubble, his buff body and he’s hair that he’s let grown out. But he’s really nice. He’s protected me from being beat up before, even though he’s beaten up me, too. Talk about bipolar. He’s taken me under his wing and he feels like an older brother so I shouldn’t really talk bad about him.

After watching my fellow friends, or whatever I should call them, I decide to head back to the library. I wonder if Mrs. Wilson ever goes home because every time I go there, she’s always sitting by the desk by the entrance and gives me a smile.

“No news?” 

I shake my head at her and tell her I’m just going to relax today, so no books.

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