Chapter 4

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“Boy, she likes to talk!”

“Give me my letter,” I say, rubbing my eyes.

I fell asleep after breakfast and missed Brian when he came with the mail. When I woke up, Ashton was sitting on the desk, eating chocolate chip cookies and he had a letter in his hands. At first I didn’t progress it, didn’t think it was from her considering it had only been a couple of days and like I said before, why would my mom forward another letter?

“Seriously Irwin, just give it to me.”

Seriously Irwin, just give it to me,” he mimics my words in a girly voice. “Only if you let me have the rest of the cookies. They’re chocolate,” he wiggles his eyebrows at me and I sigh. 

The early hours turn into lunch time and after lunch I follow Ashton to the gym along with two of his buddies, Will Evans and Evan Evans and no they are not related. I feel so left out, while they’re flexing their bodies and lifting weights, I look down on my body and barely make out any abs. I do look different than I did two years ago but if there’d be a fight, like there usually is, I wouldn’t stand a chance against any of these three guys. 

“Have you been eating your mom’s cookies again?” Will Evans asks Ashton and pokes his stomach.

“Shut up, Evans comma W. You’re just jealous of them,” Ashton says and punches Will’s arm.

“It’s making you slack. Even Hemmings’ game is stronger than yours,” Will says, raising an eyebrow and everyone’s eyes turn to me. I’m still sitting on the bench with a towel around my neck, not having moved since I got here.

“You wanna bet?” Ashton asks. “Me against Hemmo, winner gets cookies, loser gets a date with your mom.”

“Oh fuck off, Irwin!” Will shouts, his face red and he grabs Ashton’s shirt and pushes him against the wall. “How about the loser gets your mom?”

“Bring on a better comeback, man. That was lame,” Ashton spits in his face and I hear the whistle across the room. A few seconds later the two guys are separated.

“Evans and Irwin, go back to your rooms. No shower for you guys!” One of the guards says and the two guys start walking out of the gym, leaving me and Evan Evans along with a bunch of other men and their eyes on us.

Great, no showering for Ashton. Guess our room is going to smell throughout the day. Yay me (note the sarcasm).

After I get out of my shower, and is nagged on by Ashton a little since he can’t leave our room, I make my way to the library. I always go to the library after gym, unless I’ve got work. Mostly because I have nothing else to do but also because it’s so peaceful there. I use to search through the thousands of shelves of books until I get to the back of the room where the bean bags are. Here I usually just lie or sit with either a book or my face in my hands, depending on which mood I am in. Most of the times, however, I sleep. Today is a book mood and I continue reading Treasure Island by R.L. Stevenson. Mrs. Wilson told me to read it even though it’s a children’s book. She said it was a classic, which everyone must read sometime during their lives. I’m three quarters through and so far I kind of like John Long Silver. Imagine being a pirate. Now wouldn’t that be cool? To sail around the world with a parrot on your shoulder and look for treasures? 

“So what did you think?” Mrs. Wilson asks when I return the book to her on my way out. 

“It was quite a good story, actually. And I understood that John saw himself in Jim, that’s why he was so nice to him,” I reply and she nods.

“Do you want me to recommend you another story tomorrow, or do you want to find one yourself?”

“Recommend me one,” I say and wave goodbye.

Mrs. Wilson is the closest thing I have to a friend, next to Ashton. She found me in the hallway the first week I got here. I was banging my head against the wall and had my eyes squeezed shut, ignoring the people around me yelling. The guards did nothing.

She saw me and convinced me to join her in the library and she brought me to the bean bags, told me I should hit my head in them instead of the wall. It would hurt less, she said. I didn’t continue banging my head into them though, I was too muddled over the situation that I just sat there and stared out in the room. Two hours later, or something like that, when my arm had been asleep for too long, I got up and went back to the entrance. Mrs. Wilson looked up at me and gave me a smile. Said it was nice to meet me and hoped to see me soon.

I thought that was weird, that some 60 year old lady would tell me that, but I smiled back and when I stepped out and walked back to my room, back to the chaos, I knew I had found my new favorite place even though I had only been there once.

“Look who’s back from the room of boredom,” Ashton smirks as I enter the room and I give him a glare. I hear the door lock behind me and I wish I could go back. It really does stink of sweat in here and I wish I had an air refresher or something. I wish a lot of things but nothing will ever come true. I sigh for myself. 

I pull out Abby’s letter from one of my drawers in the desk and throw myself onto bed. She wants me to tell her something about myself but what am I supposed to write? I want to continue writing to her because even though I’ve only gotten two letters from her, she’s warmed up my heart and she’s the only one on the outside who has communicated with me in a while. But I don’t know what to write. I can’t exactly tell her where I am. She’d never continue writing to me.

Because who would continue writing to someone if they found out they were in prison?


So Luke is behind bars. Pretty much everyone guessed that hahah so congrats to you guys :) But what has he done to get there? Hmm... And do you think he will tell Abby?

ohh and One Direction (I'm a Directioner btw if you didn't know) are coming to Sweden in December to perform on the Swedish Idol finale and GUESS WHO GOT A TICKET :D I'M REALLY EXCITED EVEN THOUGH THEY PROBABLY ONLY GONNA PERFORM 1 OR 2 SONGS :D BUT YAY 1D LIVE :D

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