Wattpad History

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I was tagged by @tangibleluke (btw. check out her story Alarm, it's great!!)

The very first fanfiction I read was Dark and I read it on Facebook actually. I knew it was written on Wattpad but I was too lazy to create an account back then so I just kept on reading on FB.

It wasn’t until May 2014 that I actually did create an account, mostly because I had started writing a fanfic (Affection) and I wanted to share it (actually started writing the same day I created the account). But also because I was currently reading some other fanfic and I thought it’d be easier to keep track on it if I created an account. 

Affection wasn’t actually my first fanfic. My first one was a Niall Horan one called Not Over You, but it’s still unfinished. Maybe I’ll finish it one day…

I’ve always loved to read and to write. Reading has always been a kind of escape for me and I can get lost in books forever. I often imagine myself as the main character in the books and wonder why my real life is so boring. When it comes to writing – it has always been easier for me to express myself through written words than through spoken ones. I rather write a 10 page essay than hold a speech.

I want to take a moment to preech everyone who writes fanfiction because a lot of the stories I read are very VERY good and well written and I hope the ones of you who dream of becoming a writer, fulfill that dream.

So we’ve come to the end of my Wattpad history (sorry it wasn’t very interesting) and I guess it’s time for me to tag some people. I don't exactly have any friends (okay I do consider all my followers and readers my friends but I don't talk to anyone) but I'm tagging:

@4HumansofRock @pezzayn @sublimenialler @-calumhood

Thanks for reading, I love you all. :)

- Sofi

Oh and next chapter will be up as soon as possible. I just got back from a small trip and haven’t been able to edit it.

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