Chapter 12

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“Rebecca! Wanna meet up? It’s been too long!”

“I can’t. I have to work. Another time? I promise, Abby,” Rebecca says through the phone and I feel my smile turn into a frown. Another day of being alone.

“Sure. Whatever,” I say and end the call before she can say anything else.

Always “cooking”, “working” or being “busy”, never is she available anymore. I haven’t met up with Rebecca for almost two months and I have no idea what is going on in her life anymore. Except for what Calum tells me, but it’s not the same. He doesn’t gossip the same way as she and I use to do. And every time I comment on someone being hot, he just shakes his head. Apparently straight guys can’t comment on hot guys. 

I continue spinning around on my office chair until I’m dizzy and feel like I’m about to throw up. Since when do I feel sick of spinning around on chairs? I remember when I was little and I went swinging with Calum. We could swing for hours, jumping and spinning the swings until one of us would fall to the ground in surrender. It was often a tie between us because no matter how much we tried to stay put, we’d always fall to the ground at the same time, as if we were synchronized.

Maybe Calum is free? I grab my phone and send him a quick text, only to receive one a few seconds later saying he’s busy with studies. I sigh and lean back in the chair again, my eyes begins to wander from the ceiling to my walls to my closet to my bed and back to my desk where Luke’s latest letter lies. I realize I haven’t read it yet even though it came yesterday. I take a deep breath before opening it.

Dear Abby, 

The joke was hilarious and thank you for making my day. Do you have any else? I would love to hear them. I have never been good with making up jokes, let alone remembering any. The only one I can remember is the one with the tomatoes crossing the road, but that one is old and overused, and I bet you have heard it a million times before. But I have to admit, I still find it funny.

It is always good to have a goal, to have something to save up for, something to strive for. It makes it more fun when you know your goal and you can almost see it in front of you. It makes you want to work harder for it. I have never left the state myself. However, I have always wanted to go to Europe. It seems way more different than the old states and I hope to get there one day, too. 

I know exactly how you feel about having writer’s block. I get it every time I write to you. There is so much I want to tell you but I just cannot share it all with you. One day maybe, but not today. I just…I am not sure you would like to hear it all either. I hope you understand that some things are better off being unsaid.

And Abby, you could never bore me out. Never ever.



Right now, Luke is the only one here for me even though he’s not exactly here. I haven’t told Calum about the latest replies because he’s been too busy, and Rebecca knows nothing about him. Dad knows I’m still sending letters but he doesn’t know what I’m writing or where Luke lives.

Where he lives…

My eyes widens at the thought. Maybe…Just maybe could this work. 


I stand there, pretend to be on my phone when in reality my focus is set on the apartment building in front of me. It’s red and so far I’ve only seen one person with her dog walk out of there. Other than that, it’s been quiet.

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