Chapter 25: Jedrek's POV

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"We can't just keep driving nowhere forever," I angrily whisper in Donna's ear so the cops can't hear us. She leans in and I put my ear near her mouth.

"Just until we find the others."

"What if we can't find the others? What if they're dead? What if they're in a cop car behind us?"

"Jedrek, maybe that's it! Maybe they are in a cop car behind us!"

"No, Donna, they clearly aren't," I almost break away from my whisper. "I can't believe how dumb you're acting. I've been watching the cars, they're not in there."

"What if they are?"

Donna is so stubborn, I can't even explain to her how stupid and ridiculous she's being. I've been looking behind us the whole trip. If they got into one of those cars, I would've noticed. But of course, she doesn't even bother to listen before stomping on the brakes and coming out of the car. I try to pull her back in, but too late. We lost the advantage.

I move to the driver's seat and watch what's happening. She leaves the car with her arms upon her head and wails, "I'm surrendering. I'll tell you anything you want, just come out and take me." The cops slowly scramble out of their vehicles, armed and suspicious. No chance for a sneak attack. I bite my hand in fury and bang my head against the wheel. I watch as the officers move closer to Donna, still highly doubtful those are her true intentions. The worst part is, I can't yell at her to get back in because then I'll give away my position.

One of them grabs Donna's wrist and I realize it's time to move. I shift the gear forward and decide the best thing to do is to run them over. I aim the car at the police officers, who are aiming their guns at the glass. I step on the accelerator and just then am struck with the knowledge you can't accurately aim a car. I run over all the cops at once, and Donna.

"Donna!" I yell from inside the car, even though I know she can't hear me. I hop out and pick her up, dragging her into the passenger's seat.

"Didn't work," she laughs, her face looking brutal. Her chin is scraped, her entire arm is purple, and there's blood dripping from her forehead and/or right eye, I can't exactly tell. The blood looks deep red and very vital to her life. But what do I know? "Thanks for helping me," she mumbles. "How will we find them now? They could be anywhere."

"Donna, stop talking, alright? You're bleeding. I'm gonna save you, just... just hang on." I step on the gas again leaving the cops lying nearly lifelessly on the floor, a few of them lifting their arms every so often in an attempt to stand up. "Please, hang on."

I type as fast as I can into the map, hopital, trying to spell hospital. Could a hospital get us caught? Definitely. Is taking that risk worth it to save Donna? Totally, yes. A crisp, clean female voice finally says, "To arrive at the nearest hospital, in 400 feet, turn right." 

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