Chapter 27: Apollo's POV

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The girl seems to be deceased, but she probably isn't. I'm the most helpful one here, really. I covered the girl's face and I caught the dress. I didn't like the house we were in, it scared me; just a tad. I could tell the girl was absolutely horrified, though. The girl's on the floor, and I don't know what to do. Mama isn't here with me, neither is Dada. I decide to keep walking and holding the dress. I don't like walking much, that's why I've tricked Mama and Dada into making everyone always carry me around. People always underestimate me, but I'm actually extremely intelligent. For one thing, I know we're all in grave danger, and it's up to me to rescue the girl.

But does she deserve to be rescued? She just laid down and took a nap when there was plenty of work to do. I take naps, but that's only when I'm really tired. I'd never try to take a nap while I did something. The trick is to get back to Mama as fast as possible, and I would do that, but I have no idea where to go. Walking backward, away from the people, is probably my best bet. That way, it's easier to view the wide picture. I can tell exactly where I came from if I follow the route in its opposite. I guess that, while I'm at it, count my steps so we are able to return back to the girl easily. One, two, three, what comes next? I shake my head and keep trotting backward, peeking behind me every so often.

After a long, long walk, I finally see Mama. Next to her, a furious boy racing towards me. Mama, a girl, and another boy all look more shocked to see me arrive than happy. Yet again, I am placed in the same spot where my wits are deeply underestimated.

"Where the hell is Emma?" the furious boy demands. He faces towards me, but his shouting is directed to Mama. "I knew we shouldn't have done this, Athena. This was such a bad idea!" I don't like his tone when he speaks to Mama. Her face turns from confusion into sadness.

She grabs his moving shoulder. "Hugo, Hugo." she tries to stabilize him so he will face her. Another quick example of my brilliance. I can determine the furious boy's name is Hugo, but I'll likely forget because I don't like him and therefore his name isn't important.

"Calm down. I'm sure Apollo knows where Emma is," Mama reassures him.

"Well, what if he doesn't?"

"Have you even bothered to ask?" Mama turns her attention to me. "Apollo, where's the girl that carried you all the way to the market? And got you this nice dress?"

Finally, a chance to show off my intelligence. "Moe than thwee steps away!" I'm embarrassed at my inability to say the letter 'r'. Especially because it makes everyone question my worth. I skip one letter every few words and anyone listening automatically thinks, look at this foolish child who knows absolutely nothing.

"You see? Thank you, Apollo," says Mama. "Now all we need to do is walk in a straight line, Hugo."

"Well, a straight line and more than three steps is very specific!" another girl says.

"Yeah, Brianna's right. We can't really do anything about it. Especially with you, Apollo, and Zac. If we split up, no way we'll make it," angry boy reasons.

"Well, I don't want to be a burden," a pale boy chimes in from the back. "I can wait here. It doesn't matter if I get caught. I'm dead anyway." His voice makes me worried, it sounds as if he's in pain.

"No. Hugo, carry Zac. Apollo, do you think you can walk that long way again?"

"Yes, Mama." Mama groans; but it's just because she finds me cute, I'm sure.

We begin walking again, Mama leaning on the girl. Hugo awkwardly carries the boy, but not in the way people carry me. Instead, he has one hand supporting his back and another underneath the fold of his legs. In between his arms, his body slumps.

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