Chapter 3

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I would like to display fanarts related to TMPB series in my chapters. If anyone deem me worthy to share your wonderful and amazing art. pls ping me. It would be an honor.


Ye Hua was silent. He never imagined he would actually talk about his deepest insecurities with his wife. But it was time. Whatever the outcome, he will always fights to show his true love for her

" For a long time I was always compared to the Great War God Mu Yuan. It used to suffocate me. And my upbringing in the Celestial Palace wasnt filled with love or kindness. It was ingrained into me from a young age that I needed to the Crown Prince anytime anywhere."

He paused gathering his thoughts. He looked towards his wife, who was listening patiently trying to understand his pain.

"When I met you as SuSu, you... became my everything. I simply wanted to be with you as myself. It was the most free and happy I have ever been. I knew the Sky Lord will never agree so I.. you know what happened... it wasn't meant to be." 

"When I met you again as High Goddess Bai Qian and realized you were Susu my worlds collided. I was ecstatic as this time nothing will tear us apart. Then I heard about your loyalty to Mu Yoan. It shattered everything"

"Ye Hua... I don't understand"

"I thought you loved My Yoan and that's why you decided to forget about me. " , he gasped out the words ;pain apparent.

Bai Qian was stunned, she love Shifu? Is that what Ye Hua thought? She frowned,

"You...why would you even think that. Shifu is my Shifu. I will always be loyal to him as a student of Kunlun but no Ye Hua. I think of him as my father, not.."

" You gave him your heart's blood Qian Qian. You stabbed yourself for 70,000 years to give him blood and preserve his body. And you were ready to go to any lengths to bring him back. Of course I thought you loved him." 

He continued before she could protest, " Of course I know its not true, but at that time I didn't. Slowly but surely I earned your love and again when everything seemed happy, it shattered." 

He raised her hand to his cold lip, tears already pooling in his eyes, " Fate wanted me to soar high, float in the clouds of happiness before pulling me down with a crash. It happened more than I can count.  It has put me in permanent fear that our happiness is always short-lived and it will shatter once more and you would leave me again".

He shuddered, a sob escaping, " Qian Qian... I cannot live without you. Those 300 years, I survived only because of A Li. But if I were to lose you again, I cant handle it"

She stilled implications hitting her " Ye Hua, do you believe I would leave you again? That I would not be content being with you?" 

She hoped it wasn't true but she could see the answer clearly in his eyes.

Oh how she had hurt his heart. Bai Qian broke into a sob and held her husband tight, sending assurances and love through the embrace. 

" I hurt you deeply when I jumped from the Zhuxian Terrace. All this while I was only seeing from my perspective. But you were wounded too."

Bai Qian continued to sob, for all their sadness , their past trials and the many hurt they carried. Ye Hua simply held her tightly crying silent tears himself.

After what seemed like eternity, he gently broke the embrace. He took in the face of his amazing wife. Tears clung to her cheeks that were swollen and lips trembling in sadness; But her eyes.. it shone with such love and warmth, it enveloped him.

He wiped her tears and summoned a clean handkerchief for her to use. She wiped her face and turned to look at him. She smiled softly, heart light and realized they had indeed needed this.

" So much happened. I think we will never truly let it go. But Ye Hua, my heart belongs to you alone. Nobody can change that. Ever", she raised his hand to her lip giving  a soft kiss. Ye Hua clasped their hands together, making small comforting motions with his thumb.

" Qian Qian, I love you and always will. I am sorry to have felt what I did. But I truly understand and am grateful that you chose to love me. 

She shook her head " I think we were meant to be. No, I know we are meant to be. All that happened is  a testament. I am glad we were able to discuss this today."

She kissed him softly and gently and soon deepened the kiss, sending everything she couldn't convey though words with this action. Ye Hua returned her kiss with equal passion, showering his love and protectiveness around them. 

They continued to kiss and held each other for a long while, occasionally stopping for air. Time passed and the light began to fade, draping a warm hue among the peach trees. 

They stayed entwined in embrace whispering soft assurances of love and faith.

But she turned to face him properly, suddenly turning serious, " But I need you to assure me that no matter what happens we will always always tell everything. No more hiding"

Ye Hua was silent, in retrospect he knew he had to give her this vow, she deserved it, but there is one secret he wasn't sharing no matter what. Besides it wasnt his to share

" I give you my promise Qian Qian, I will always tell you everything." He smiled. 

He grinned and raised an eyebrow ," Does this mean you wont stomp away when you get angry" 

Bai Qian narrowed her eyes " I don't stomp....... I simply walk away... gracefully"  

Ye Hua smirked ," Of course, just loudly"

"I do not" she huffed pouting

"Hmm mm Of course. Whatever you say Qian Qian" He laughed when she hit him, gathering her into his arms.

Bai Qian knew he deliberately changed the mood, and this conversation wasn't over. But she sensed his need to pause, and because they shed too many tears she decided to let it go for now, It was time for some fun. She whispered conspiringly " Do you want to raid Zhe Yan's special stock of peach wine, this is the perfect opportunity"

Laughing, Ye Hua helped her up, kissing her lips softly " Always, anything for you"


Wow this is my longest chapter.. It might look like the conversation stopped abruptly, but they could go on and on about this and never truly be satisfied. For now they shared what's important and eased each other's pain. That's good for now.

Thanks for reading. 

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