Chapter 8

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We are finally nearing the wedding... But the drama shall continue...


High god Bai Yi was starting to get a mild headache and a sense of DejaVu. The spring air filled the entire landscape of Qing Qiu and its Eastern Realms was pulsing in anticipation, for its finally near, the wedding of its Queen. 

Indeed its an occasion of celebration, for everyone knew what it took their young monarch to finally marry her one true love, who was none other than the Master of the Holy Blue sea Donghua Dijun. As overwhelmed with happiness as they were, the quite murmurs going about was hard to miss. For it was the same wedding all over again with the same couple and even the same venue. Does it bode to keep it all exactly as before, when the result was nothing less of a disaster? 

Bai Yi couldn't care less about the venue, it could be a bathhouse for all he cares. The only thing that mattered this time was his daughter, grandson [ Bai Yi doted on the boy] and , he accepted grudgingly Dijun. But the whispers needed to be quelled. It doesn't speak very high for Feng Jiu to have them over her head as a monarch. Which led to the current discussion, that was the reason for his growing headache. If the idea of a QingQiu royalty wedding wasn't enough, especially the groom being who he is, Dijun's new suggestion was equally preposterous. 

"Let me confirm if I heard this clearly Dijun" said Bai Yi, taking a sip of Zhe Yan's calming orange brew tea[ makes a mental note to ask more] , 'Did you say a 200 day wedding?'

His ever youthful face surrounded by an ocean of calm, Donghua Dijun merely sipped his own tea, before nodding,' Yes, it is.'

'Surely it will be taxing on the young lass, she just recovered...'

"Xaio Bai was very enthusiastic when I told her and has whole-heartedly agreed to it. As for her health, rest assured it will never be a concern. "

"But"... Bai Yi spluttered, this was going nowhere. He looked to his right and saw his father Bai Zhi Dijun and Zhe Yan and silently pleaded with his eyes to step in.

Bai Zhi cleared his throat, 'Surely Dijun, as celebratory this wedding should be, isnt 200 days an overkill? I mean we can have a month or two long event to display all grandeur of QingQiu and the 13th Heaven. I am sure, you wouldn't want BiHaiCangli to be crowed for too long. Besides, I am not sure if everyone invited will attend all 200 days." 

Bai Yi looked at him gratefully until  Dijun continued," It's not a matter of importance to me if anyone attends or not. In fact, even though you are family, please don't feel obligated."

You could hear the birds chirping outside well within the inner cave walls, for the silence that followed stretched. Bai Yi finally boke it stuttering, " Then why..?"

"I wish to follow the custom's that was during the Great Era of Desolation" Dijun paused and looked at Zhe Yan meaningfully, who blinked twice before the meaning finally registered. 

The fox in Bai Yi didnt miss this exchange," What custom? a 200 day wedding?" He looked at his father for confirmation. Surely his father would have told him if there was indeed such a custom, as he too belong to the lineage of ancient Gods. As for him, Bai Zhi Dijun was lost. He had no recollection of such a wedding custom. Hell, during that time, they were too busy fighting to even think of weddings. But he knew Dijun cornered him, for one look at Zhe Yan's smug face he realized they were both in it together. Sighing, he put on his best 'I too know this face'. Hopefully together, they can fool his smart and wily son.

"Ah yes, of course, hmm then I agree we should concede to Dijun's wishes hmm Bai Yi?" 

"Wait.. huh? But you never mentioned about this at all? How come?" Bai Yi was spluttering and tried his best to keep his composure. It was unlike him to lose his calm. 

"Now now, who does such long weddings anymore? Besides, except for Dijun, Zhe Yan and Mo Yuan there are no one left from that era. That's why I didnt say anything before."  He lied smoothly

Zhe Yan nodded in agreement, " Naturally, until Donghua's marriage came up we never had to remember this." He winked at Bai Zhi who sent him a glare. 

Bai Yi never imagined the conversation would take such a turn, he was trying to grasp onto the little stability he had left, 'Surely, think of the strain it will incur on my wife and not to mention on ZhongLin " 

"ZhongLin has been far prepared for this so its not a cause for concern. As for XaioBai's mother I am sure she shared the same equal excitement as her daughter." Said Dijun. He knew victory when he saw one and went in for the final blow. " I have already sent word to prepare all arrangements. Once Xaio Bai's health is completely restored, the wedding shall commence"

The headache had just  spilled into a full-blown migraine for High God Bai Yi. 


"Zhe Yan why is Dijun doing this?"  Bai Zhi Dijun wanted answers for he knew his son, once he recovered , would hound him for explanation. He shuddered at the thought, Bai Yi was truly very scary. 

" Ah, it's simply because he want to see the lass wear all the 200 dresses and ornaments he collected over the years." replied Zhe Yan. The old phoenix was trying his best not laugh at the current situation, for it definitely tipped in his favor as well.

Bai Zhi was silent," That's it? Really? Then why 200 day wedding? Surely the lass can wear one simply any day and parade it for him?"

"Ah but they are all wedding dresses, and you know how sentimental XaioJiu is. " 

Bai Zhi simply shook his head. Honestly he never understood Dijun and it doesn't seem like he was going to anytime soon. But something else bothered him, " Why did you agree though and how did you realize?"

Zhe Yan smirked," Oh I saw them; all the grand 200 wedding dresses, ornaments and various weapons he collected for XaioJiu."  He waved open his fan before walking away,  "Besides,  I think this arrangement can tip in my favor when time comes". 

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