Chapter 11

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Two brothers born eons apart. One bound by duty, other by vow. 


High God Mo Yuan took in the fierce words and tense stance. It pained him to see Ye Hua like this but this conversation was overdue. He knew he had only one chance to both clarify and ease his brother's heart and mind. Setting aside his teacup, he rose and slowly moved closer to the lotus pond. Beyond it Peach Blossoms trees planted by Seventeenth swayed gently. He closed his eyes and waited. Soon Ye Hua joined him

" How much do you remember from your time as the Golden Lotus Ye Hua?" 

He glanced to his right and noticed the small quick frown in Ye Hua's face. It was for an instant. 

" Dague. I remember faint details. Sometimes I think I still get dreams of that time" Ye Hua turned impatiently, "But  how does this answer my query?". 

Truth be told, Ye Hua was unsure of where this conversation was going. In the missive he received didn't mention any details. It had nowhere gone the way he imagined. 

" I nurtured you for years. I talked to you, gave you my cultivation, played the Zither and even played a game of Go with you." Mo Yuan grinned before facing Ye Hua," Though I admit it was very one -sided and could be why I won all the time". Turning to the pond once again he continued," No one knew just how important and special you truly were. They just assumed you were a Holy Lotus. All except Seventeenth. She knew right away that you were no mere flower"

He faced his younger brother properly, and noticed for the first time the helplessness that he wore, thick and dark as his robes.  Mo Yuan knew all about how suffocated and structured he was raised in the Celestial Palace and his unfortunate trauma from Bai Qian's heavenly trial. It made him sad and he guessed that Ye Hua still carried the guilt. He was right.

"You thrived under her touch and care. You shone like the sun every time she was near and waned into shadows when she left. Ye Hua, You should be aware that Seventeenth's love is only yours. It's always been that way even before you were truly born. Her loyalty towards me is strong as it should of any KunLun student. Your insecurities have no bearings. It's your guilt that  clouds you." 

Ye Hua remained silent. It occurred to him that Mo Yuan was not saying the words to comfort him but rather in a manner that made it the truth brooking no argument. It's not like he didn't know them, but hearing them from the Great High God of war, his own brother finally lifted the veil he didn't know he carried. 

" I have hurt her far more that it wouldn't surprise me if she left me and came here. My actions which I am deeply ashamed for ever grips my mind in fear. Those 300 years without her.." He paused unable to continue. Taking a deep breath he willed to finish," Knowing what she did to preserved your body as she waited with conviction for your return was a bigger blow. Loyalty matters to Qian Qian and I had shattered what was between us. "

"Loyalty and love are same yet different Ye Hua" said Mo Yuan. Placing a gentle yet firm hand, he waited till Ye Hua looked directly into his eyes. " I heard about it. Both from Liansong and Zhe Yan,  the sufferings you both endured was truly heartless. Yes your actions were to be blamed, you ,who should have protected her didn't. " 

His eyes turned grim and steeled but held no malice as Mo Yuan continued, " You did what you thought was right. And you have apologized and she too both suffered and caused you to suffer.  Time and Fate can be held as witness for your trials and you may compute the bygones over and over and still never reach the conclusion that satisfies you. The circle of what-if's is a painful one and I hope you don't let yourself be carried away in its tide. " 

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