Chapter 7.5

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Our love birds are busy reconciling and making out. But they are not alone...

A short story about some favorite characters.


" For someone who never bothered with women and pleasure, he sure has talent," said a mildly amused High God Bai Qian. 

She had come down to Qing Qiu after hearing the news that her niece finally awoke, and decided to take a short detour to Zhe Yan's orchard for some wine, when they stumbled on the scene.

"Qian Qian he is our elder, you can't speak about him like this," replied an exasperated Ye Hua. Propriety mattered to the crown prince, but even he had to admit, Dijun had game.

Bai Qian shrugged," Since we are in Qing Qiu, he is technically my nephew-in-law, or  well soon-to-be."  She started laughing when the implications of the complicated relationships dawned onto her. Oh it was going to be such fun.

"But still," .. Ye Hua shook his head. He looked over to the blissful lovers who  were unaware they had company.[Ye Hua suspected Dijun knew about their presence but probably didn't care]. They were kissing and making out as if there is no tomorrow. 

He turned away from the nauseatingly sweet scene to look at his wife, who was enjoying her private joke, he slowly smirked getting an idea. 

" I think its something in the air of the Ten Mile Peach Blossoms Orchard. It has a repertoire of bringing lovers together." He drawled, dropping his voice to the low rumble that Qian Qian always appreciated.

Bai Qian widened her eyes, before smirking herself, she was never known to back off from a challenge. " Oh is that so? Should we should confirm  for ourselves?"

"Naturally" murmured Ye Hua as he pulled her closer, " This is good research." Bai Qian's laughter was quickly silenced by his lips and soon she was participating enthusiastically. It seems he was trying to one-up the couple a few yonder away. Soon, the air was filled with gasps and moans , as the research progressed. 


"This was not the reason I planted this orchard Dammit" huffed a very very annoyed High God. The Phoenix god looked at the two couples in their blissful merry making and frowned.

"Well Young ones can be like that, don't pout Zhe Yan" said a candid High God Bai Zhen. He  was very amused to see not only his clansmen but their respective spouses too to be engaged like that. 

"I don't think one can call DongHua Dijun young" 

"Well in the matters of the heart, he is" Bai Zhen replied slyly. He laughed silently at Zhe Yan's angry look, "Hush Zhe Yan, lets not interrupt"

The phoenix god looked at him and turned to the two busy couples and back again," It was surely you foxes and your coquettish ways that caused this. You Qing Qiu foxes  were such brilliant mesmerizers." 

"Oh is it, hmm " Bai Zhen looked closely and could see the smile forming amongst the frown. He knew Zhe Yan really didn't mind, but it was so much fun to annoy him. " I am sure it's only with the female foxes. Look at me, I am a paragon of innocence" he said with a straight face. 

Zhe Yan smirked and gathered his (male) fox closer. Cupping his chin, he drew near kissing his lips softly, " I don't think so. " Only now Bai Zhen seemed to notice how exquisite  Zhe Yan's eyelashes were.


The Peach Trees of the orchards swayed lightly filling the air with its pleasant fragrance. It seemed as if the orchard and its many occupants too were enjoying the ongoing scenes. Except one. Lord Liangsong's eyes travelled  between all three couples and he let out one big sigh. 

It could be argued that he played a major role in bringing two out of three unions, but in matters of his own fate, his luck favored him never.

He sighed again and decided to leave for he didn't want to incur the wrath of six heavenly beings at the same time. Maybe Cheng Yu was free. 

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