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The sacred mountains of KunLun, its origins though ferocious and holy, was first and foremost a school. To be a disciple here, albeit under the tutelage of the Legendary God of War, High God Mo Yuan is one of extreme blessing and virtue. Though a school for several thousand's of years, its habitants were always very few. 

There are many facets to KunLun besides being a school. The divine energy within the mountains was not only pure enough to lock the Three poisons of Miao Hua realm, but its caves  also acted a chamber for recovery. Within its largest and perhaps the most deepest caves with divine energy swirling through the air, sat the reverend God in deep meditation. 

Mo Yuan has been taking these regular meditative seclusions quite often. Re-patching his soul, that stayed shattered for over 70,000 years definitely took its toll.  He needed to regain as much of his cultivation possible quickly, especially in the light of current situation. 

He opened his eyes and surveyed a good improvement in his cultivation, though not by much, he frowned. The reason perhaps lay beside him, as he reached to take another look at the missive from Dong Hua Dijun 10 days ago.


Mo Yuan, perhaps you heard the news and are aware.  Usually I stay detached from matter unbecoming of mine, but when it concerns Xaio Bai. 

Tianjun is getting restless and The Crown Prince is your mirror when it comes to matters of the heart. 

QingQiu will prefer to handle it their own way, which I hope you would make sure to avoid.

Join me sometime for a game of Go.


One might assume that the missive is written in code, but its as straightforward as the man himself. Dong Hua Dijun is a man of few words, yet Mo Yuan chuckled, after being saddled with the young fox queen, his vocabulary has indeed risen.

Mo Yuan sighed, he expected this but its happening sooner that he wished. By soon marrying the former Lord of the Eight Realms into their household; the QingQiu fox clan will invariably become the most powerful clan in existence. Even though both of QingQiu's sons-in-laws belong to the Heavenly Clan; they are just too besotted with their respective wives, and that does not help the current Heavenly Lord one bit. Tianjun was bound to do something to ensure his power and hold remained. Mo Yuan suspected the move that was to come and was sure Ye Hua would adamantly refuse. 

Sighing he rose and left the confines of the meditative cave. Walking through the hallways of the school he couldn't help but reminisce about Little Seventeenth. A soft smile formed in his lips as he recalled how she would moan and look bored during several lessons but would always be ready to cause mayhem. Being the only girl among sixteen men worked in her favor immensely. 

The ache that used to form when he remembers her, has reduced to a dull pain. As it should, for Mo Yuan now realized that his affection for Seventeenth was solely due to the other untouched matters deep in his heart. She was now the true love of his beloved brother; and as the elder sibling he had new responsibilities to uphold. He looked to the lush forest expanse that surrounded the school; and right at its edge was the Lotus pond. It was time to meet Ye Hua.


Xiwu Palace 

Ye Hua cloud jumped inside his chamber and closed the door simultaneously throwing a privacy barrier. He was seething and had to do deep breathing to reduce his temper. He did not want Qian Qian to find out his anger or the reason for it. 

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