Chapter 12

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Bai GunGun was a meticulous child. That comes both surprising and unsurprising to different factions. The latter groups are the revered; For to be a child of the Savior of the People of the Eight Realms and the quintessential grace and benevolence of QinQiu; meticulousness is but a tip in character.

The former group were family and those who knew Donghua. It is said QingQiu is notorious in familial loyalty and also in keeping secrets( as we have seen here) . It is only known within the confines of the great lands how, as a child, Bai Feng Jiu truly was. To get her to hold still would need a miracle of the Holy Buddha, not to mention, she who was set to rule the realm hardly paid any attention to class; choosing to sleep or pick fights or simply day-dream. So the Family Elders were confused, but it must come from the Father they said( all except Bai Zhi Dijun). So the matter was put to rest.

The friends, or as you may call them for their usefulness at remembering things of the bygones were perplexed how this child; whose father was the worst student ever; rarely taking notes, always sleeping, a troublemaker in his own merit( The only reason Donghua never failed was because he copied notes from Mo Yuan ) ; could be so graceful and well-mannered.  So, they reasoned, it must come from the mother( all except High God Zhe Yan)

Now as two of original Holy Eight pupils and deities of the Ancient Age of Antiquity knew the real truth. The child was the prodigy of his own, to say that he got anything other than ; good looks, a tolerable manners for a child, and a curious nature; from his parents would be unjust. Bai GunGun was a boy wonder on his own. 

Said Boy wonder, unware that he was a reason for conflict was currently deep in concentration. In case anyone forgot, GunGun was a meticulous child and upholds promises and seldom forgot any matter himself. He has a tally of the numerous questions that were left unanswered ,both by Mother and Father-lord ; to which he had been diligently collecting answers. Some were simple, easy even. Other's, well lets say another war could break out if those questions ever came to light from anyone but him.

Bai Gun Gun crossed off another question that received a satisfactory answers. He was happily his list was getting shorter but frowned at those left. He look up from his desk and wondered who would solve this for him. He was shrewd enough to understand that his parents did not want to talk about it and always deflected it, so he didn't bother them. He also realized that being the only Young Master of the Taichen Palace came with advantages.  

One such advantage was coming towards him, Gun Gun was happy. Ah Brother Zhonglin can definitely help. So he raised his little head and called, " Brother Zhonglin" 

"Yes Young Prince, How can I help?" Zhonglin bowed; eyes always filled with tears of joy at seeing the young prince. Never in his years of existence he thought this was possible, so to see the young prince always moved him to tears. The empty halls of Taichen Palace were once again filled with colors and laughter. He discreetly wiped his eyes and asked," Would you like some refreshments? Tea perhaps? " 

" No I want your help with some other matter. " the boy sighed. Zhonglin was alarmed, his help? Then it must be serious. " At once young prince what is it?

Gun Gun mustered all composure for his young form and narrated, " When I was born Mother said Father was away. Then after meeting Father-Lord, she said it was because he was battling a crisis and was injured so they were apart. What was the crisis? "

A sweat dropped from Zhonglin's forehead. He knew if he answered the truth or fed a lie , he would be facing the tip of CangHe. His fate was in the hands of destiny. Carefully he answered,

" Well, you see young prince, Dijun has the responsibility to save the Relams from any crisis. So when Dijun and Dihou were about to be married a problem came which he had to handle at all costs. It left him deeply injured and he had to take several years to recover. I can't explain the crisis very well, but the existence of the Realm was at stake" Zhonglin drew a deep breath after this length explanation. He hoped this would satisfy and the young prince wont pry anymore.

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