Chapter 9

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The Holy Blue Sea resides at the tip of the world. With mountain ranges, majestic forests, home to the several auspicious birds and flower, it was birthplace of DongHua Dijun, he who rose at the call of Heavens. 

The most wondrous place in BihaiCangling was the Holy Spring, where rested the magnificent expansive stone castle; the venue for their upcoming wedding.  Bai Feng Jiu has been inside that very castle several times now, both awake and asleep, but its wonder never ceased to amaze her. Her eyelashes fluttered to a close as she took a deep happy sigh, nestling deeper into the bark of the tree she was resting against. After QingQiu, this was her most favorite place to be. 

A emergence of a faint memory about THAT incident made her frown slightly. She opened her eyes and looked at the two silver-haired men in front of her. They did make quite a pair, one tall and regal, the other cute and in awe. Gun Gun it seemed was getting more and more amazed about Donghua. The more they spent time together the more she can see the hero-worship sparkle in his eyes. 

Currently, they were on their knees on the ground, heads close; Donghua was teaching him how to spin a top. 

'Keep your wrist relaxed GunGun, that's the key'

'Yes Father-Lord' GunGun face was scrunched in concentration as he tried to master the art of spinning a top. He wound the string tightly, and help the top the way his Father-Lord showed him. Taking a deep breath, he threw the top pulling the string as he let go. The bright red tip touched the ground, spinning furiously and as the boy held his breath, it stayed upright and spinning; a success indeed. 

'Yay I did it I did it'  jumped an ecstatic Gun Gun . Dijun smiled and gently patted his head. He looked over at FengJiu and noticed that she seemed distracted. 

" Why don't you play some more Gun Gun?  I'll go check on your mother." 

"Yes Father-Lord" Gun Gun turned to the now slowing top and got busy in getting two success in a row. 

Fenj Jiu noticed first before seeing him approach. Dijun always seemed to carry a regal air about him even while walking. She knew he noticed her distraction and gave him a small smile assuring all was okay. Dijun relaxed seeing her smile and she giggled. He was such a worrywart.

Dijun approached her with raised eyebrows," What's on your mind XaioBai? Would you like to go inside?" 

She shook her head and patted the spot next to her. Dijun sat down and together they watched their son." I was just reminiscing" She gave a small sad smile this time, before turning to him, " It seems like we have come after a long time, yet it doesn't."

Dijun was silent, he knew what she was thinking about. As much as he would like to remove THAT incident from existence, its done. He pulled her close and placed a soft kiss to her forehead," I understand. This wedding shall be different, for this time nothing will stop us from being wed." 

She melted at those words and cuddled even closer. Yes ,this time all was well.

After putting an exhausted but content GunGun to bed, Dijun wandered to the kitchen to see if XaioBai needed any assistance. She threw him out citing his absolute lack of expertise in the same, brooking no argument . He found her in deep work making an elaborate sweet, forehead creased in concentration.

"Xaoi Bai I have a suggestion regarding the wedding," He opened carefully, schooling his face into nonchalance. " I think we should follow the customs of the Ancient Time." 

"Oh? " Feng Jiu trying to not lose focus on her dish," Of course last time we followed QingQiu's tradition, this time we should do it your way. What's the custom?"

"A 200 day wedding." 

Her hands that were shaping the cake stilled, and she looked at him in shock. Foxes have great hearing, but maybe this time she really didn't hear well. "Did you day 200?"

Donghua nodded solemnly, "Yes 200 day wedding. It's a very old custom and I would be greatly honored if it were to be done." 

"But, isn't it a bit too much? Also why am I hearing this now. You didn't mention this the first time" Feng Jiu was starting to get suspicious and rightly so. He always had the knack to spin tall tales making her believe only to realize that she was made the fool.

He simply shrugged, " Last time, I was more concerned in defeating Milaou. I just wanted us to marry quickly in the event something happens to me." He paused for effect and brought his expression into a slight pout, " Given how that ended, I thought doing it  this way would not only invoke the sprit of the era but also send good grace. After all, being one without parents, I don't have any particular traditions of my own. This seems like the only one that could connect to who I was.  But you are right, it is very long. Your health might get compromised again.  " He paused and grew quite. 

She immediately wrapped him into an embrace all her doubts vanishing.  It always pained her that he grew up all alone and lonely. And she had vowed to never make him feel that way. " Let's do it. I will make your wish come true. Dont you worry Donghua" . 

She was pleased to see the happiness in his face and tensed shoulders relaxing,  and embraced him once more. It made her happy so see him happy. 'He must have been worried I would refuse or my health would decline. Poor Donghua, he is so considerate' she thoughts as she continued the embrace.

What she failed to notice was the teasing glint in his eyes and small smirk in his lips. It was always fun to tease her. His XaioBai was so gullible. 


Many months and 200 days later.. 

'Considerate my tail' huffed an utterly irate Bai Feng Jiu. She was exhausted and just wanted to be done with the whole wedding. She looked at her now husband, with who she exchanged vows for the 200th time. He was his usual self , calm not a hair out of place, a serene smile in his lips. She knew he knew she was glaring at him, yet seemed unperturbed.

'Donghua you did this to get back at me didn't you?' She hissed.

Dijun merely raised an eyebrow, ' Xaio Bai , you agreed to it. Then how can I ,as you say, "get back at you" hmm? ' 

Feng Jiu looked at him expressionless, while Dijun had a silent laugh. It was indeed very fun to tease her. 

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