Chapter 4

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"You need to heal Dijun. You cant keep doing this. It wont help anyone especially Xaoijiu" sighed a very annoyed High God. It is unusual in Zhe Yan's nature to be like this. The passive Pheonix who enjoyed warm days, a game of Go and his ever bountiful peach wine, was at his wits end trying to coax the former Emperor; who was busy stirring more medicine.

' That's why its said to not make friends easily' thought Zhe Yan and looked over at the LianSong for assistance. The Third Prince of the Heavens looked alarmed; he would rather face the tempest of storms and worst of enemies than step in. 

Sighing, Zhe Yan approached the solemn deity and placed a hand on his shoulder,

"Donghua ....."

Dijun's fingers stopped its motions; the air is the room stilled. After what seemed like eons (really it was just a few seconds, these gods love drama), he stood up. 

" Here, I have already removed the Cold Toxin from your body, this elixir will replenish your blood supply faster" . 

Dijun silently took what was offered. He looked over the room, his attention finally moving to those around. He never cared for appearances and propriety but even he felt the space was crowded than usual. He supposed the reason for that lay just beside Xiao Bai. 


 A few hours ago;

"GunGun I am your Father"

Donghua Dijun, the Former Emperor , wielder of the famed Cange sword remained motionless as he stared at what looked like a miniature version of him.

The boy's eyes went huge and wide. He staggered  as if the mere idea that he had a father was inconceivable. But, Dijun had to admit, the child's instincts towards XiaoBai were attuned to his, for GunGun immediately rushed to be closer to his mother and raised both arms wide. " I dont believe you". He  stood firm unrelenting and glared. 

Dijun raised a trembling hand towards the boy but stopped halfway; he glanced at his wife who lay blissfully unaware.


GunGun had refused to leave his mother's side and no one could convince him. He looked desperate and was close to tears but stubbornly  refused to cry. Finally, The Lord of the Netherworlds Xie Gouchou had to step in and console him. It bothered Dijun immensely that his own son would trust others before him; But given the circumstances, he supposed its unavoidable.

Now; as he sipped the  bitter medicine, he needed answers.

"You knew" he said simply. The words may be simple; its meaning definitely not.

"Yes, I knew" replied Zhe Yan. He had suspected this to come and was truly hoping to not discuss this while Xiaojiu was still sleeping. But.. 

" It's my first time seeing the boy as well. All I was aware was that she carried your child. As soon as I confirmed the news, she disappeared from Qingqiu."

"And you let her? at that state? " Dijun slammed the cup down hard, his eyes blazing. 

" What was I suppose to do Donghua?" huffed Zhe Yan, " I was upset. We all were. You left her with no explanations and we simply couldn't find you. She waited for you. She was sure you would come."

"And I did come.. "

"Yes, but it was too late. A person can only hold on for so much. Especially when they hear things that confirm their worst fears"

"If this is about Jiheng...."

"Yes it is. But its also not just that".. Zhe Yan finally snapped and stood up with such force he knocked the table between them.

"Honestly Donghua, was it so beneath you to tell the truth?. No one knew what happened between the two of you expect for the Zhonglin. But he was duty bound to not say anything. Then with what reason could I have stopped her? Your duty to the realms in unparalleled. But can you now see what your actions cost when unexplained? " 

Silence followed. Outside the winds that picked up earlier was slowly turning to a gentle breeze; drifting Fuling Petals entered the room through the sky holes, swirling around them. 

GunGun shivered a little and edged closer to his mother unconsciously. 

Dijun rose and quietly walked towards them. He summoned a small purple quilt and neatly covered his son. GunGun stopped stirring immediately. Dijun slowly raised a hand and gently patted him. He looked over at his sleeping wife and noticed that her color was returning. 

" It never occurred to me to explain my actions, for I have never done it before. My thoughts on this matter were only centered to XiaoBai and It will still remain the same going forth." 

"Donghua, as far as this matter is concerned, the rest is up to Xiaojiu. Our opinions wont matter. We will be outside, when ready lets discuss on the best approach to get back your cultivation and regrow your heart. " Zhe Yan turned to leave and signaled to Liansong to follow. 

As they both reached the door, Dijun called out " Was it that easy to abandon me?" 

Zhe Yan hesitated, but turned to face him, " Its her most cruel side. Bai FengJiu is the most caring, strong, determined and fiercely loyal little fox to have existed. But when she decides to give up on something, she will forget everything associated,  at any cost. Trust is important to her. Remember that" .  Thus saying, the two deities left the room.  


Thank you for reading.  I promise these are the last scolding coming Dijun's way. Its time for him and his lovely XiaoBai to meet. 

On the hindsight, I wanted to shine light on this cruel trait of hers to abandon when it beyond her means. Hopefully it will be explored soon

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