Touya Todoroki

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Fuck it. Big reveal time. Also some backstory on our favorite bird brain, and burnt boi. Lets go...

Dabi POV

The shock must be evident from my face. Hawks is a trained hero, I'm not going to be able to lie my way around this one.

"C'mon it can't be that big of a deal, just tell me your name and stuff," he says, his smirk still holding.

Well fuck it,

"My name was Touya," I say, and watch his face shift.

"Liar," he growls.

"You know I'm not lying Keigo, or do you want me to tell you all the stuff a villain wouldn't know about the hero commission and Endeavor."

"He's dead. It wouldn't be hard to track the records," Hawks says walking around me.

"Are you just going to ignore what's right in front of you, Hawks. I ran away. I left you." and it's my turn to smirk, even if the staples in my face sting.

"No, even after Touya fled, Endeavor sent people after him. I'm the only one who knows about that, Touya was killed. They had his family ring." His voice wavers, but the fact that he knew that was strange. Hawks was right. An assassin had been sent after me, but we'd made a deal. I fled the city, and they turned in the ring. They had spared me.

"Are you sure about that? Assassins are in it for the money, can't be that hard to lie about the disposal of a body if you have proof," I smile wickedly back at him.

He continues to look shocked, but the stubborn asshole would back off.

"Hawks consider it, I could recite the letters you sent back from training, I've got the fire quirk, and the scars, is it really that hard to see,"


Hawks POV

He was lying. He had to be lying.

I watched the villain in front of me, saw his every move, yet there wasn't a single sign of a lie. And his eyes. Oh gods his eyes were the same. The same stupid blue, that Endeavor and his half-n-half son had.

The letters to, were something only Touya would have possessed. We had sent them back and forth from a mailbox at the end of our street, so the Hero Commission wouldn't find them. And only a few people would have even had the chance to hear of how he actually died. Most only knew that his power had finally overwhelmed his heart, it was a plausible lie and people at it up.

So how the hell was he standing here in front of me?

"Prove it," I say and my voice cracks.

"Prove what? That you and Miruko faked dating because she wasn't out of the closet as a lesbian, prove that you signed every letter Love, Your birdbrain, prove that you would send feathers home every once and a while to prove that you were ok, that for my birthday you had promised me a necklace with one, so we'd always be together, Hawks. I remember all of it." His voice is calm, and as the sun set he didn't waver, the same stubbornness everybody in the Todoroki family possessed.

"Fine, you're Touya, doesn't mean I trust you, but I promised to answer your question to," I say, changing the subject.

"Ok birdbrain, what really did you know about Anielle's past?"

I sigh "That's a long story,"

"We've got all night,"

"I met Anielle nine years ago, I was thirteen and her ten, she had a twin sister, Casia, with a quirk like their mothers. Her father was strong, I can barely remember what he looked like, but he had this quirk. It was crazy. He basically had the ability to grow ice out of his skin. Like armor. And her mother, the woman hated me, was able to control water in living things, so she could make plants grow and stuff like that. Anielle's quirk is crazy strong, at least it was then, she is able to control the state of water based liquids. Whether this be moving them, freezing them, or evaporating them. And that included blood. She only used normal water for the most part, and loved sitting by the river. She used to create these little animals that would dance around," I paused smiling. "And her sister could grow plants from her skin similar to her dad, but less powerful. He had them sparring the day we first met. No quirks just back and forth fighting. Anielle had the upper hand, because even though she was shorter and thinner, she was nimble on the ground. They had finished, and her dad was scolding Casia when he first saw me. He had smirked and told me to get ready to train. No rest until he saw what I could do. At first I thought against him, but he was gesturing to Anielle. I had dropped my bag, jacket and shoes, when he had told us to start. Again without quirks. I had thought that it was harsh on the little girl, but she had seemed eager. I had taken the defensive, thinking that she would go after me the same way as her sister, but instead she just walked forward, and swung her arm out to hit me. I had caught it, but that was my first mistake. She had grabbed my wrist, and kicked her leg out, wrapping around me, and  knocking me to my knees with one of my arms pulled taught behind my back." I look up to find Dabi smiling slightly, and he gestured for me to continue.

"We did stuff like that everyday for hours, her biggest mistake when she was younger was she was predictable. She knew what worked and used that to her advantage. I remember the way her and her sister had talked about heroes, they had planned to open an agency together."

I pause and sigh knowing that he should hear the whole story.

"You know how I came back for them to examine me, well it was three days after you had run away when they called for me to return, the first anniversary of their mothers death. I knew their father was giving them the day off, but when I left he was locked away in his study. I had flown into the city, and the exams only took about two hours, so I planned to return the next day, after catching up with you. They hadn't informed you were gone, until minutes before a call came in. The guards of her family's estate, claiming that they had been murdered. I had flown there, by the time I arrived my wings were numb, and rushed into the house. I found her father first. He was blue. One of his hands black and the rest of his body frozen to the touch. I remember yelling. Trying to find the girls, but the house was silent. When I had made my way into their room I found Casia on the floor, at first I thought she had fainted. Fainting spells had come from over use of her quirk. But when I picked her up her body was cold. Not frozen like her fathers, but cold like it had been dead for hours. Her eyes were shut though." I was crying. I knew I was, but Dabi didn't acknowledge it. "I had waited on the front steps until the heroes had arrived, told them what I had found, and then had flown into the surrounding woods. We spent days searching for her. But she was long gone."

Dabi is looking up. The sky in between dusk and dark.

"She killed him didn't she?" He asks his head turning.

"Out of revenge," I respond. Dabi raises an eyebrow, hinting that I elaborate.

"Her father was abusive. Her mother killed herself, but he claimed she had disappeared. The girls were never allowed to speak of it. Her father was known for lashing out, had taken it out on me before, so I knew how dangerous he was. He killed Casia out of pure rage, and when he had calmed down, tried to gain Anielle's sympathy. She froze his entire bloodstream, and waited until his heart had been cold for long enough as to not be revived before fleeing,"

"Damn," was Dabi's, Touya's, only response.

"Yeah, you could say that,"

"So the time I ran away, the time you found her family, and the time she made her first kill all line up within a week of each other?"

"Well, yeah I guess,"

"And she was most likely on the run, in need of cash, and a strong fighter when she came into the city,"

"That's reasonable," I responded then noticed his face. "What are you onto?"

"Well we know where we need to start," and I watch as Dabi points to one of the circles on the map.

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