3. You Belong With Me

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The coffee helps a lot and by lunchtime, Camila finally feels the house warm up after she located the thermostat. Her mother and sister went out to solve some stuff related to the house papers and she’s left with the last few boxes to unpack, apart from the ones still on her Jeep. She takes a look at her keyboard once her bedroom is all set and takes a seat, letting her fingers run through the keys and form a familiar melody. She lets her voice join in, singing the lyrics that would somehow always remind her of her father.

"Don't read the last page
But I stay when it’s hard or it’s wrong
Or we're making mistakes
I want your midnights
But I’ll be cleaning up bottles with you
On New Year's Day"

"Hold on to the memories, they will hold on to you
Hold on to the memories, they will hold on to you
Hold on to the memories, they will hold on to you
And I will hold on to you"

"Please, don't ever become a stranger
Whose laugh I could recognize anywhere
Please, don't ever become a stranger
Whose laugh I could recognize anywhere"

 Her voice fades as she leeps playing the chords, and after a long moment of silence, she decides to take a shower, wrapping herself in a towel while blow drying her hair once she's done. She applies a little makeup on the fogged up mirror, noticing her tan is starting to fade and she’ll have to get used to this paler look. She brushes her hair and pulls it back in a ponytail before putting on some lip gloss and mascara, deciding for no blush. The weather and her casual encounters with Shawn made sure her cheeks stayed red.

 After changing into a long sleeved shirt, a pair of jeans and black boots, Camila takes her phone from her nightstand and sees a text from her mother. Sinu lets her know where to find some money and types out a grocery list, so Camila takes her keys after finding the money and walks outside to her car, making sure not to fall this time. She realizes she has no idea where she’s going as she puts the car into reverse. She knows nothing about this small town besides her own street.

 “ Hey, come here for a second.” She asks Shawn’s younger sister after pulling the car up next to their driveway and rolling down her passenger window.

 The girl looks at her with hesitation from their front yard, maybe thinking Camila will take her Zombie form again at any second. She watches as the girl walks to the car and stops a few feet away from the window.

 “ How do I get to the closest grocery store?” Camila asks.

 “ Seriously?” The girl rolls her eyes. “ I’m nine.”

 “ Well, thanks anyway.” Camila says with a laugh. “ What’s your name again?”

 “ Harry Potter!” The girl yells and smiles mischievously before running back to the house.

 Camila realizes the girl is making fun of the house shoes she had on earlier, which means Shawn must have been talking about her. She starts wondering what exactly he said and if he thinks about her at all. She’s been thinking about him more than she’s comfortable admitting to herself, wondering how old he is, what is his major, if he’s single. She didn’t leave any boyfriends behind in Miami and she hadn’t dated anyone in almost a year.

 “ That’s not a good idea.” She hears Shawn’s voice once she reaches for her GPS.

 “ What’s not a good idea?” She asks, trying to hold back the smile on her face.

 “ That thing will get you lost.” He says, leaning against the window.

 Camila is about to respond when a car pulls up next to hers and when the window rolls down, she sees her mother in the passenger seat and her friend Amelia on the driver’s side.

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