17. Who Hurt You

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Camila watches Connor standing in front of the class, preparing to perform what he wrote with his guitar in hands. He places a paper with the lyrics he wrote down on a desk in front of him so he won’t forget them and his hands are slightly shaking, indicating his nervous state.

 “ What is it called, Connor?” Shawn asks, sitting down at his desk with a notepad and a pen in hands to write down notes on the students performances.

 Her eyes observe every little thing he’s doing and it somehow pisses her off how attentive and focused he’s being on everything but her. He pauses to chew on the tip of his pen and she starts thinking how those very lips were on her neck the night before.

 Camila pushes that thought immediately out of mind, reminding herself she needs to break from this hold he has on her.

 “ I didn’t really give it a title.” Connor says as he stands in front of the class, second to last person to perform.

 “ Untitled, go ahead then.” Shawn says in a very teacher tone of voice that pisses her off even more.

 Connor clears his throat before looking down at the lyrics in front of him, playing the first chords on his guitar perfectly. She can tell he plays guitar for a while.

“You look so wonderful in your dress
I love your hair like that
The way it brings out the blue in your eyes”

“And all of the voices surrounding us here
They just fade out when you take a breath
You got that kind of look in your eyes
As if no one knows anything but us”

“Should this be the last thing I see
I want you to know it's enough for me
'Cause all that you are is all that I'll ever need”

“I'm so in love
So in love
So in love
So in love”

 Connor looks at Maisie when he finishes and she has the biggest smile on her face before standing up and hugging him. The classroom is divided between girls swooning and boys groaning, but Camila simply gets nervous because she’s next to perform.

 “ Thanks, Connor. You can take your seat. Good job.” Shawn doesn’t look up from his notes as he calls Camila to perform. His voice is soft and shaky as he says her name. “ Camila, it’s your turn.”

 Camila stands up feeling good about her song, leaving the paper behind on her desk because she already memorized the lyrics.

 “ I have a question.” She says quietly, walking to the front of the class. Shawn hesitates when he looks at her, giving her a slight nod. “ Can you help me set up one of the keyboards?”

 She’s not sure what he thought she was going to ask, but he seems relieved.

 “ Sure.” He says with a small smile, standing up and helping her set up one of the keyboards from the back of the classroom. She was surprised no one needed one for their performance actually. Most students either played acoustic guitar, had another student play for them, or sang their lyrics a cappella.

 “ Okay.” Camila says when Shawn is back on his seat and she’s standing behind an electric keyboard pretty similar to the one she has in her bedroom. “ My song is called This Love.”

 Her fingers dance along the keys as she plays the first chords, closing her eyes as her voice fills the room with the lyrics she wrote the night before.

“Know just how to make me miss you
When I'm feeling sentimental
Going in our separate ways
But when I'm back here in the middle
Losing you, I couldn't face
But to love you is worse
Waiting for you just in case
One day it doesn't hurt, nah, nah, nah”

“Said it's the last time, but, nah, nah, nah, nah
Just like the last time, yeah, nah, nah, nah, nah
Tired of building up my walls, yeah
Just to watch them fall again”

“So fuck this love calling my name
Get out of my veins
If you need your space, then just walk away
You know how to fuck me up, then make it okay
I guess that's your just game
And I'm the one who gets played
Again, and again, and again, and again”

“Maybe you should set me free
Maybe I don't really want you to
Maybe I just wanna be
Be the person that you just can't lose
If you're gonna leave, then go
If you need me, let me know
Love me or just or just let me go
But no, nah, nah, nah”

“Said it's the last time, but, nah, nah, nah, nah"
Just like the last time, yeah, nah, nah, nah, nah"
Tired of building up my walls, yeah, yeah
Just to watch them fall again”

“Fuck this love calling my name
Get out of my veins
If you need your space, then just walk away
You know how to fuck me up, then make it okay
I guess that's your just game
And I'm the one who gets played
Again, and again, and again, and again”

“Oh, no
Here I go again”

 Camila walks back to her seat when she finishes, not bothering placing the keyboard back in its place. She looks at Shawn and notices his face is red and his teeth are clenched. Maisie is the first one to clap, followed by everyone else in the class.

 “ Man.” Jake says. “ Who hurt you?”

 The bell rings and the students start to leave as Shawn seems to be in shock behind his desk. Camila starts packing her things when Maisie approaches her.

 “ Have you talked to your mom yet?” The blonde asks.

 “ My mom?” Camila asks, confused. “ About what?”

 “ The date.” Maisie says. “ Noah asked you out yesterday, right? You said you had to ask your mom.”

 “ Oh, that.” Camila sighs. That felt like a lifetime ago, not the previous day.

 Camila glances at Shawn and sees him paying attention to their conversation, waiting for her to answer Maisie. She’s not sure, but she thinks he might be jealous from the expression he has on his face.

 “ Yeah, sure.” Camila lies, keeping her eyes on Shawn. “ Tell Noah I would love to.”

 Shawn grabs his pen and notepad, opening one of the drawers on his desk and placing them in before slamming it shut. His action makes Maisie look at him as she jumps, startled by it. He keeps acting like he didn’t do it on purpose, standing up and organizing some of the papers on his desk.

 “ Great!” Maisie says, looking back at Camila. “ We decided to go to the music competition after Getty’s on Thursday, might as well get it out of the way. You want us to pick you up?”

 “ Uh, sure.” Camila says quietly.

 Maisie claps with excitement as she leaves the classroom and Camila goes back to pack her things before walking to the door.

 “ Camila.” Shawn says coldly, making her pause at the door. “ Your mom works Thursday nights. I always get a sitter for Thursday since I have to go to the competition. Just send Sofia over before you leave. You know, before your date.”

 Camila doesn’t look at him or says anything, simply walking out.


A/N: Please check out the new story I'm writting with Pewfictions called "Lost Stars"! 💕

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