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Not edited 

Eunhye P.O.V 

I was woken up by the sound of Luna barking. Even though she was not in my room, she was still loud enough to wake me up. 

As I opened my eyes slightly, I could hear my family from the living room, indicating that they all have woken up. 

It's a Saturday morning and I was planning on sleeping in until I could. However my dog has other ideas. 

I glance at the tiny clock on my bedside table, seeing that it's just a bit after nine. 

Some people may call it way to early to wake up at nine on a Saturday while others might say that nine is too late to wake up, but to me it's completely perfect timing. 

Both my parents are early birds and prefer to wake up early, even on the weekends, a habit I have come to develop over time. 

As my bed was situated right next to the window, I sat up straightened and pulled the curtains away, allowing the sunlight to crowd my room. 

I only had one window in my room, since we did live in an apartment, but right next to the window was a sliding door which led to my every own balcony. It offered a very generous view of the Han River, and every night I can see the Seoul lit up. 

Perhaps it was one of the few things I had which are better than what my sister has. 

I got up and made my bed, another habit which I have developed over time, and slowly made my way out. 

After brushing my teeth and washing up a bit, I went over to the dining area, where I knew my family would be. 

Surely enough, both my parents and sister were sitting having breakfast together. 

"Eunhye-ah. You're up," My dad said, noticing me.

"Good morning," I said, still a bit sleepy as I went to get a glass of water. 

"Did you have a nice sleep? You went to bed early," My mom asked. 

I simply nod and then say, "Yeah." 

"Did you all eat already?" I ask, noticing their empty plates as I slid into my chair. 

"Yes. I was going to wake you up but I thought yo might want to sleep," My mom told me, as she stood up, gathering the dirty dishes in her hand. My sister too got up to help her.

"Are you going somewhere?" I ask Eunji, noticing how she's all dressed up. 

"Yeah. I'm meeting someone," Eunji said as she worked her way in the kitchen. 

"Who? And why so early?" I ask, frowning a bit. 

"Just someone from work. We also need to discuss a case we're working on together," Eunji says.

As my mom and Eunji start talking about something from work, I lean into my dad, who was sitting across from me, and ask, "She's probably dating this guy, isn't she? Why else would she dress up so early?" 

Even though both my parents are early birds and I, myself don't mind waking up early, my sister absolutely  hates waking up early. She normally wouldn't wake up before ten on the weekends, so it was a rare sight to see her all showered and ready before nine thirty on a Saturday morning. 

"Probably," My dad as we both observed mom and Eunji. 

"Does mom know?" I ask, whispering. 

"I think she's the one who introduced them to each other," My dad told me. 

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