𝑭𝒐𝒓𝒕𝒚 𝑶𝒏𝒆

462 16 5

Not Edited 

Eunhye's P.O.V 



The sounds of glasses being clinked filled the restaurant, over the already loud noise of people talking. 

Everyone chugged down their drinks and so did I, turning my head slightly to the side when I drank. 

I wince slightly as the alcohol hits my throat, burning slightly. 

As Jisoo Unnie had promised, she took us all out for dinner at a Korean barbecue place, and the entire team decided to dedicate the night to me. 

As grateful I am, I couldn't help but be a bit embarrassed and yet amused. I've never seen any of these people drunk before. Jung cheeks were already reddening and I can tell that he is not a heavy drinker. Daniel, on the other hand, has probably consumed the most alcohol out of all of us and yet looked far from being drunk. 

"To Eunhye," Tina said enthusiastically. 

"Thank you for interning with us," She said, looking at me. 

I shake my head and politely say, "Oh no. Thank you for letting me intern with you."

"Yah. It's your last day with us. And you're technically done. Drop the formalities now," Hwan told me, waving at me. 

"Are you sure?" I asked hesitantly. 

"Of course. Besides, its not like we can do anything anymore even if you are rude. Just enjoy," Hwan told me. 

"By the way, how's things going with your boyfriend?" Jisoo Unnie suddenly asked. 

"Huh?" I sputter, confused.

"Yugyeom? Is he not your boyfriend?" Jisoo Unnie said bluntly. 

"Of course he is. He literally comes and picks her up every single day. In fact I was surprised to not see him waiting for you today," Hwan said, speaking voluntary on my behalf. 

I can't help but blush and feel embarrassed. 

Seeing my reaction, Seoyeon laughed and consoled, "It's okay. My husband and I were the same when we first began dating."

"Everyone is always super enthusiastic and sweet in the first stage of the relationship," Tina admitted. 

"So you two did work out in the end," Jung commented. 

I nod and answer, "Yes. We sorted out our differences." 

"If you don't mind me asking. Where did you two even meet in the first place," Daniel asked, and I can see a frown etched on his forehead. 

"Oh. . that. . .we actually met at the supermarket," I answer, thinking back to the day I bumped into Yugyeom and he spilled his drink on me. Even though it was only two moths ago, it feels like a lifetime ago. 

"The supermarket?" Hwan and Tina chorused together, immediately shooting each other weird looks for speaking at the same time. 

"Yeah. . .I-. . .he actually spilled his drink on me," I elaborate. 

"Really?" Seoyeon said. 

"And then we kept on seeing each other in random places so we just grew close I think," I say, summarizing our relationship in the simplest form possible. 

"By the way. . ." I begin, forming the proper way to ask in my brain, "Do you all know him personally? You always talk about him as if you know him very well."

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