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"That spider-like growth..." (Y/N) sat on her knees beside the redhead teenager. "That's why he's loyal to Dio? It was on Drei's head, too! I saw it! Jojo, you aren't telling me Dio has taken over my granddaughter, too, are you!?"

"(Y/N), unfortunately, yes," Avdol answered for Joseph. "That is a flesh bud, formed from Dio's own cells. It connects to his brain. It was implanted to influence his mind. In other words, it's a controller that draws forth certain feelings."

(Y/N) shuddered. "That's disgusting... You're saying Drei is being controlled by that--that fiend!? I may not have my Stand anymore, but I'm sure a hearty dose of Hamon could--"

"Don't get ahead of yourself," Joseph interrupted. 

"Apologies for interrupting, I just..." (Y/N) stood up. "I'm going to the liquor store. I can't deal with this."

"(Y/N), we talked about this--"

But she was already out the door. Her hand twitched, wanting a beverage so badly. She had fallen into the habits of the woman who abandoned her on the streets of London. Sure (Y/N) didn't leave her only child, but she solved her problems with a bottle instead of talking. Instead of doing what she said she would in her fit of anxiety, she laid against the outside wall of the tea room and chewed a piece of gum instead. She tapped her fingers and sighed, listening to the commotion. After hearing Joseph used his Hamon Overdrive, (Y/N) got curious and entered the room once more. Jotaro and Kakyoin stared at one another, saying nothing. 

"So, he's awake." With her hands in her jean pockets, she laid her side against the doorframe and her legs crosses. She looked at Jotaro. "Not that it matters, but why'd you save him? I thought you were some tough guy who sends people to the hospital for looking at you wrong."

"He just asked me that and honestly? Who knows? I'm not really sure myself." Jotaro stepped out of the room. 

The boy with the cherry earrings looked up at the woman. "Wait... (Y/N)...?"

She raised a brow. "How do you know my name?"

"You look... older, no offense. What happened to you?"

(Y/N), realizing what was going on, chuckled. "Oh, you think I'm the (Y/N) with the flesh bud on her head." She pointed in the center of her temple. "I'm gonna fetch Holly so she can get that blood cleaned up off you. What did you say your name was?"

"Kakyoin... Noriaki."

With a smile, (Y/N) nodded.


You had broken into your own home since your grandmother had taken all the keys in the house, including the one hidden for emergencies. Using your vampire strength, you punched a hole in the door, then stuck your arm through it to open it from the other side. Once inside, you remembered what your master had told you:

Sacrificial Strength - A Jotaro Kujo x Reader FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now