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Ka... kyo... in... Beware... of... him... Di... o's... ser... va... nt...

You, Jotaro, Kakyoin, and Anne walked down the streets. You stood on Jotaro's right while Anne was on his left, clinging to his arm. Kakyoin, however, kept his distance between you three. This was a prime opportunity to get close. You had the perfect plan in mind to confess these bottled-up feelings since childhood. 

"Jojo," you uttered, watching the girl run-up to a nearby food stand, "how about we get some chilled coconut juice?"

He shrugged, approaching the establishment. "I guess we can try it." Jotaro held up his fingers. "Give us four."

You frowned. "W-Wouldn't it be cheaper if we got thr--"

"Thanks! That'll be sixteen dollars!" the man running the business beamed.

"Hey, make it eight dollars!" Anne spoke. 

You sighed. It seemed Anne had the same plan you did. Yet, you couldn't help but chuckle. You pulled out your wallet. "Here's sixteen, but keep the extra as a tip."

"Okay! Thanks!"

You gave a nod as you went to put your wallet back in your purse but in the second your bag was opened, a thief came by and swiped it right off you with the chain breaking from around you due to how hard the man pulled. "I'll take that!"

You hissed, taking your hands out as if the nails on your fingers were claws. You were about to run after him, but Kakyoin held his arm out in front of you. You looked at him, but he didn't say anything, only taking out Hierophant Green to chase the thief. The Stand grabbed onto the man's ankle, causing him to trip forward. He fell, dropping the purse. Kakyoin walked over, looming over the failed criminal. There was a menacing aura about the redhead, which was quite unusual. Feeling something was off, you caught up to him.

"You thought you could just get away with stealing (Y/N)'s purse, you little shit?" Kakyoin questioned, a look in his eyes you had never seen before, even when under the influence of the flesh bud. 


"Cough up your guts!" He grabbed the man's head and kneed his face. Blood went everywhere.

"Kakyoin!" you scolded. "You don't have to do this!"

He ignored you. "You're worth about as much as a sewer cockroach's dick." He put the man on his shoulders and began to bend him, causing the thief to cough up blood. "The idea that you thought you could steal her purse with the same fingers that wipe your filthy ass... I can't let you get away with that, can I?"

If he didn't trust you, then why was he doing this for you? It just didn't make any sense. "Kakyoin, what are you doing!? He's going to die if you continue! He took my purse, big deal! If you're trying to prove your point about me liking people to be tortured, then this is the wrong way to go! Don't break a guy's back for stealing something I can replace! This--This is too much, even for me!" When he continued, you growled. "I said to stop!" Using your vampire strength, you shoved him, causing both Kakyoin and the thief to fall to the ground. 

Sacrificial Strength - A Jotaro Kujo x Reader FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now