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You stared at Joseph, Kakyoin, and Jotaro, and them at you

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You stared at Joseph, Kakyoin, and Jotaro, and them at you. You rushed over and embraced Jotaro, practically collapsing in his tight arms. You pulled back and once you looked at Jotaro again, you started sobbing. Joseph approached, patting your back.

"You did what you had to," Kakyoin said softly, followed by Jotaro taking your hands and kissing the top of your head. 

But things couldn't stay calm. Things couldn't stay comforting. Things couldn't stay easy. 

You dried your eyes. "Did you guys hear that?"

"Yeah," Jotaro agreed. 

"Dio?" Joseph inquired. 

"Likely," you answered. You approached the wall where the noise was the loudest and punched a sizeable hole for you all to fit through.

On the other side of that wall was Polnareff and, subsequently, Dio. The Frenchman beamed and the vampire disappeared off the top of the staircase. The three of you rushed into the room.

"C'mon, let's go." You went to chase after him, but Polnareff spoke up:

"Before we go, I need to tell you guys something... I saw him use his Stand. It was only for a moment, but I felt it. I can't explain exactly... L-Look here's what happened: I was climbing the stairs toward him when suddenly, I was back where I started! I know it doesn't make any sense... I don't get it either or know how he did it. I-I feel like I'm going crazy...! It wasn't hypnosis, it wasn't supersonic speed... it was a sense of something wholly and completely terrifying."

Jotaro looked around. "Where's Avdol and Iggy?"

A pause. Polnareff looked down, his eyes glistening in the little light that made it into the room. "... They didn't make it." Your shaking hand covered your mouth. "They died trying to save me..."

You walked down the few steps that you were up and embraced Polnareff gently. Tears flew silently from both of you. 

"Don't make it in vain," the all too familiar voice whispered directly in your ear. Then, it moved to the next. "I lost a friend once... as did your grandma!" With a witch-like laugh, she vanished. 

You pulled away from your friend, making sure not to startle him. "The sun is setting."

Kakyoin threw down his bag. "What's upstairs, loser?"

The man Jotaro held earlier poked out. "The towers. There's also a room up top--Lord Dio's dwelling during the day."

"Is there another set of stairs?"

"No, this is it."

You raised your brow at Kakyoin. "So we're just gonna follow this guy? Trust him?"

Trust and follow you did, all the way up to the chambers claimed by Dio when the sun is in the sky. In the room lay a coffin, a golden "D" detailed on the lid. 

"Loser, open the lid," Joseph commanded.

"Is that, like, his name or...?"

The vampire mumbled something to the coffin before opening it. Once the top was open, suddenly the tiny man lay inside instead of Dio. 


You took out Bears in Trees, as did everyone else and their Stands. You followed Joseph as he jumped out the nearby window. But Polnareff didn't move, stunned and frozen. You grabbed him by his top and took him with you as you fell from the top of the mansion. The five of you prevented your insides from decorating the street by grabbing onto pieces of wood that stuck out from the concrete walls, then climbed onto a part of the roof. You hissed, your hood falling off your head and exposing you to the rays. But, it didn't burn nearly as fast or as painful as it would've if this had happened earlier in the day.

You stood up. "Dio will have the upper hand in mere minutes..."

"Yes, but so will you," Polnareff reminded. He looked around at the other three. "C'mon, don't tell me you're planning to retreat until dawn. I'm not running away now with my tail in between my legs!"

"I'm with you, Polnareff," agreed Kakyoin. He looked at you. 

You exhaled. "I-I can't argue with facts. I'll get stronger, too. Maybe it'll be enough for us to win."

Joseph grasped a fist. "Listen, I agree with you, but the tables have turned on us. We might've encountered his Stand, The World, but we still have no idea what it can do. It's like climbing a mountain without a route or knowing where the summit is. Fighting him now would be a disaster--with or without (Y/N)--guaranteed. It's just inevitable. We know Dio will come for us. He'll try to finish us off before sunrise. In the meantime. we can try to figure out the true extent of his powers. We need to wait."

"No! I can't run!" Polnareff exclaimed. "Avdol and Iggy died because of me! I'll fight dirty if I have to, I'll go to Hell and back, I'll do whatever it takes to defeat Dio! But, I won't run away." He stormed off in a sprint.

Joseph attempted to chase after him, but Jotaro stopped him. "Forget it, old man. Reason is useless when he's like this."

"I know what you're thinking." You turned, seeing (Y/N) the First as she sat on the roof, hugging her legs as she looked at the sunset. Her eyes were closed, seeming to be trying to feel the warmth as much as possible before the dwarf star tucked away under the horizon. "Your grandmother did the same many years ago. Ran off with a friend of hers after a disagreement with Joseph." She looked at you, her hair flowing in the wind. She put her hand on her head and closed her eyes, enjoying the sensation.

Behind you, you heard the snapping of fingers. You turned around. Jotaro raised a brow. "Did you hear what I said?"

You turned back around. (Y/N) was gone. You returned your focus. "No, no I didn't... What's the plan?"


Joseph stopped a man in a truck. "We want to buy your vehicle. Will you sell it to us?"

The man was immediately angry. "This baby's my bread-and-butter! What're you sa--" He was caught off by Joseph handing him a stack of money. You told the older man once the whole ordeal was over, you'd give him half of it back. 

The man in the truck took the money happily. Once Kakyoin and Joseph piled in, you leaned into the window. 

"Go on without me. We'll catch up."

Joseph gave a nod before driving off. You looked at your reflection in the nearby window, seeing both of your grandmothers' faces in your own, then rushed off.  


You found Jotaro and Polnareff tinkering with a motorcycle, trying to get it to start. You took off your cloak, no longer needing it in the dark. 

"(Y/N)! Perfect!" Polnareff greeted. "Maybe you can get this thing to work."

You looked at Jotaro, crossing your arms. "If I try it, I'll break it."

He huffed. "Fine, but you're getting the chain off for us."

You smiled, kissing him on the cheek. You ripped the lock off at the same time that Jotaro kicked the bike alive. 

"Drei." You stood up, looking at (Y/N) once again, your expression this time serious and determined. Her's? Worried, upset, concerned. 

-end of chapter forty-five

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