Years Gone By

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Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter. Any names, places and other things you may recognize from the books belong to JK Rowling, not me.  

Prongs wondered around the forest of Godrics Hollow, impatiently waiting for it to get dark. He should be used to waiting after doing the same thing for 10 years. But he didn't want to wait. It was nearly the anniversary after all. Prongs wanted to see Lily, to talk to her and give her the flowers he had picked out the night before.

He especially wanted to know whether Harry had visited. The answer was probably no bit Prongs couldn't help but hope that his son would visit.

Finally it got dark and the last of the Pub drunks went home. Prongs changed into the tall man that was James Potter.

Snatching up the flowers, James wondered over to the church yard. He found their grave easily having been many times before. Placing the flowers under her name, he began to talk

"Lily, it's been 10 years since you were taken from me, and I can't help but miss you. Harry will be starting Hogwarts tomorrow, so the next time I visit, I'll be able to tell you how he is doing. I'm surprised he hasn't visited. Maybe he doesn't know you're here. Well, he'll know one day. I miss you Lils. Lots. But I'll always love you. Forever"

Taking one last look at the grave before him, James wondered back to his spot in the forest. He collected what little things he had left and dissaperated to Hogsmead, where, under the cover of darkness, he snuck into the forbidden forest to await Harry's arrival.

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