Another Close Call

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James sat in the same place when he visited. Fresh flowers were on the grave and he couldn't help but think 'I'm supposed to be there to. Next to her', but instead he was telling Lily about his summer.

"It was alright, Lils. I found some centaurs in the forest and they seem to understand me. It's still not the same without you around though. I miss it. Our summers together. Harry comes back to Hogwarts tomorrow. I can't wait to see him. I mean, I still don't know where he lives over summer, I just pray it's somewhere safe. I wish you could see him Lils. I wish he knew I was alive. It's agony not being able to talk to him. It's getting light now; I'll talk to you soon. I love you Lils."


The students filtered in like they did every year. Prongs curled up at the edge of the forest to watch. Harry was there somewhere but Prongs knew they would not see each other tonight. He would have to wait for Harry to visit Hagrid.


One week after the start of term, Harry finally appeared with Ron and Hermione to catch up with Hagrid. James took up his usual spot and discovered how the car – which he had found- came into the forest, and why it was so damaged. It sounded like something he would have done when he was their age.

The chatted sometime about their lessons, James finding out that Gilderoy Lockhart had become the new Defence teacher, and what they did over the summer, then the trio headed back to the castle for dinner.

James went back into the forest to find food for himself. The centaurs had helped him over the years, so he knew what was edible. After eating he found his favourite spot and fell asleep for the night, his thoughts on what he would do this year, when he wasn't watching Harry.


The weeks went by, and James kept up to date with everything happening at Hogwarts. Even the Quiddich.

All though he paid extra attention to ensure Harry was safe in the Castle, which was proving to be a challenge. A rumour had spread round the forest that a creature was lurking in the castle, and Harry had reported that people had been petrified the last time he visited Hagrid. Something didn't sound right.

A few days later, word got to James that Harry's friend Hermione had been petrified. If only they knew he was there. He would be able to help. But no, he was stuck in the forest because they all thought he was dead.

A few days after that, in the dead of night, Prongs saw Harry and Ron appear at Hagrid's door, a silvery cloak in Harry's hand. James's invisibility cloak. Dumbledore must have kept it and passed it on to Harry.

Hagrid answered the door, shaking and with a crossbow in hand. Something was not right and James was going to find out what. The boys bustled in and started questioning Hagrid about the Chamber of Secrets, but the conversation was cut short when Hagrid looked out the window. Dumbledore was heading their way with the Minister for Magic and other Ministry Officials.

From the sounds coming from inside the hut, Harry and Ron had dived under the cloak. Before James could get close enough, another man came swooping through the grounds. At least, he thought it was a man. It was hard to tell in the dark.

The man strode up to the hut and pounded on the door. James took this opportunity to run into the bush. He only caught glimpses of the conversation, but it sounded like Dumbledore was being forced to resign and Hagrid was being arrested for the petrification of the students. Ridiculous. And the last thing Hagrid said, "Follow the spiders". Weird.

As soon as the coast was clear, James heard Harry and Ron leave the hut with Fang. He watched as the boys walked straight into the forest, following the spiders.

James sprinted into the forest, changing as he went and Prongs followed the boys until they reached Aragogs lair. This was not going to end well. And not even five minutes later, Prongs leapt into the air, following the car, pulling Harry, Ron and Fang out of the forest and back to the hut, where they grabbed the cloak, locked Fang in and pelted it back to the castle where it was safe. Ish.


The forest was quiet. It had been since the incident with Harry and Ron, but there was still something wrong at the castle. Then, just before the end of the year, word got round that one Harry James Potter had killed a basilisk in Slytherins legendary chamber of secrets and saved Ginny Weasley in the process after she was possessed by Voldemort.

In a completely unrelated incident, Lockhart had been transferred to St Mungos as he was hit by a strong memory charm –which he had cast. All the petrified students were revived on the final day and Hagrid returned during the evening feast.

Peace descended over Hogwarts. Prongs watched as the students filtered onto the train. Maybe next year would be quieter. But one can only hope.

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