Poor Old Sirius

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Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter. Any names, places and other things you may recognise from the books belong to JK Rowling, not me.   And just as a reminder this is a friends story that I have been asked to upload for her.  Any comments and votes are welcome :) 

"Lily, something terrible has happened to Sirius! Everyone's calling him a murderer and now he's escaped from Azkaban! Azkaban Lils!! That's where he's been since, well you know. How did he escape? I don't know, but I intend to find out. Maybe I'll find answers at Hogwarts. This is the sort of thing Dumbledore would know about. I'll go and see what I can find. Update you soon. Love you Lils."


Dementors crowded the school when James arrived. There was no way he would be able to sneak in human. He would get caught. But maybe as Prongs. James turned into his animagus for and slid past the dementors and into the forest no problem.


Term started as normal. Students arrived, start of term feast, warnings, changes and Dumbledore's 'quote of the term'.

Activities like Quiddich were harder due to the amount of Dementors on the pitch, but apparently the DADA teacher knew what he was doing when a dementor had attacked on the train and one Harry Potter had passed out. Or so James had heard. But other than that days passed normally.

However things changed slightly when James discovered that the new defence professor was none other than Remus J. Lupin. His best friend.


The night was dark, the sky clear. The full moon shining bright over the forest. Prongs watched as his friend attacked himself in his werewolf state. It pained him. Reminded him that here was nothing he could do to stop this. Just stand guard. Like when they were at school. It was more fun with Sirius around. Someone to play with.

Then as the night drew to a close, the wolf changed back into a man. Prongs risked taking a step forward, to check his friend was alright. A twig snapped and the professor looked straight at the elegant stag with a guilty look and familiar eyes.

"James?" the professor asked, "Prongs is that you?"


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