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The meeting at the Burrow dragged. James couldn't concentrate on what was being said, his mind was too busy worrying about Harry. Then something caught his attention

"With the kids going back to Hogwarts next month, we've decided to set up a private radio station. " Kingsley was saying, "It'll be called 'Potterwatch'. Lee, Fred, George, we were hoping you would be willing to host the shows"

"Of course" Lee said, "I mean it's no quiddich match but as long as it's doing some good."

"Excellent. I was also hoping that Lupin, Sirius and James, would help out." They all nodded, "We'll all have code names and the station will have a password and we'll all have to have code names, so unwanted listeners don't know who we are. Lee you are River, Lupin, Romulus, Sirius, Snuffles, James, Seeker. Fred and George, you'll be Rodent and Rapier, you can argue between the two of you as to who get which name. First broadcast in a week. Password, Potter. Spread the word to those on our side. Maybe we can spread some hope"

The meeting adjourned. The Potterwatch group stayed around to discuss what would go into the radio show. The twins, naturally, would have a comedic section, to keep a little laughter in the world. Kingsley and Sirius would report about the ministry and their goings on. And James and Lupin would do other news and report about the field. By the time they finished, it was late, so they all retreated to their beds. After the events of the past days, they needed the rest and to keep their hopes up.


"Hello and welcome to the first ever broadcast of Potterwatch" Lee's voice echoed through the kitchen in the Burrow, which had been temporarily changed into a radio booth, "This station has been set up by some members of the Auror department who have been working alongside the Order of the Phoenix in support of Harry Potter. For added security we will be going by different names, I'm you host River, and today I'm joined by Rodent and Rapier, who will be our light in the dark. All right guys"

"Hi River" The twins said.

"So I hear you intend to keep our spirits up during these dark times"

"That's right"

"We hope to maybe put in a few jokes."

"Cuz even in these dark times"

"We could all use a good laugh"

"We sure could. I'm also joined by our ministry correspondents, Royal and Snuffles." Kingsley and Sirius mumbled hellos, "These guys will be keeping us up to date with any progress within the ministry walls. Anything to report today?"

"Only that a few more muggles have been subjected to death eater activity." Kingsley explained, "Snuffles and I were on the scene within minutes along with other Order members. No one was killed or seriously injured. The muggles memories have been modified."

"You will keep us up to date with any other happenings"

"Yes. We will try our hardest to make sure that everyone is aware of what is happening," Sirius said, "but for now, we encourage everyone listening to take precautions. Only go out if you have to, and keep renewing protective spells that are in place around your house. Leave the rest to us."

"Thank you. And finally I am pleased to introduce our field correspondents, Romulus and Seeker. These two are going to keep us up to date with what is happening outside of the ministry, and, hopefully, about the golden trio themselves. Anything to report"

James took a deep breath and stepped up to the mic, "Not yet River, though we hope that once we've been out in the field a little while longer we will hear word from them."

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