Same Old Snivillus

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"Harry!" James pounded on the door, again, "Get up! We're leaving in an hour, and if you're not ready we will drag you to the station as you are!"

No response. James opened the door and peaked in. Harry was still fast asleep, head buried under his pillow. Rolling his eyes, James entered the room, quietly, drawing his wand as he went. He took aim at Harry's head. "Aguamenti" he whispered.

Harry got soaked. He spluttered and spat as the stream of water hit his face. "Okay. I'm up! I'm awake! Shut it off!"

James shut off the water with a flick of his wand, trying to contain his laughter, "Next time, get up when I call" he said and strode out of the room, to the kitchen, where Remus and Sirius where drinking coffee.

Remus looked up, "He ready yet?"

"No. Wasn't even awake." James sighed, "Let's just say he got a bit wet"

Harry finally appeared in the kitchen at 10.30am. He grabbed a piece of toast and shoved it down his throat.

James shook his head, "I give you plenty of warning, yet you still choose to wait until moments before we leave"

"Don't tell me you didn't do it when you were my age"

James didn't respond. Harry sat down at the table, smug look on his face.

Five minutes later, everyone was ready to leave. James had disguise on again so he could see Harry off properly. It was a nice day so they decided to walk to the station, putting a feather light charm on Harry's trunk so it was easy to carry.

At 10.50, they were pushing through the crowd on platform 9 ¾, towards the Weasley's and Hermione.

"Hi Harry" Hermione said as they approached, "Have a nice summer?"

"I did thanks," He replied, "Until this morning when a certain someone decided to spray water over my head"

"He wouldn't get up" James explained, when Hermione gave him a curious look. A whistle blew from the other side of the platform, "Time to go. On you get. Have a nice term Harry. Write if there are any problems."

"I will. You know I will." Harry looked at Remus and Sirius, "Entertain him while I'm gone. Make sure he doesn't blow anything up or do anything stupid."

"We will" Sirius said

"See you next term" Remus said. Another whistle blew, and the train pulled away in a stream of smoke.


It wasn't long before James received a letter from Harry. James knew he wasn't happy. Harry never sent a letter right at the start of term. He called Remus and Sirius into the kitchen and read out loud;

"Prongs, we may need you help in defence again. There have been some changes in the staffing and I don't like them. It's the worst thing that could have happened and it could be worse but this is bad. Real bad. Right, Hermione just said I should get to the point. Snape is the new defence professor. NotNo one is happy about it, except the Slytherins. As for the new potions professor. He's a bit odd. Slughorn, his name is.

I spoke to Dumbledore to. He's going to give me personal lessons. Don't know what about yet, but I'll find out soon. He personally introduced me to Slughorn. Don't know why he did that either. I know that he taught you though. Slughorn not Dumbledore.

I'll write soon


"Slughorn's back teaching potions?" Sirius asked

"That's what it says." James replied, "Do you get the feeling Dumbledore might be up to something."

"Err, yup" Remus said, "Guess we'll have to find out. You going to write back?"

"Of course. I'll make sure he watches his step. Snape wasn't that far behind us in Defence, he could do them some good with teaching, but if Harry steps out of line, we'll be in trouble then" James left the other two in the kitchen and made for his room.

From the desk in the corner, he grabbed a piece of parchment, ink and a quill.

'Harry, Snape is good at defence so watch you step. I'm pretty sure he'll use any excuse to send a spell in your direction and claim it as teaching. He won't do anything to hurt you permanently; he knows that I'll rip him to pieces if he does. Don't tell anyone I said that.

As for Slughorn, we think Dumbledore may want something from him. You're famous, Harry, so he may try to collect you for his club. He did it to your mother. The shelf, Harry. Look for the shelf. They're all people he collected.

Write to me if there is any sign of trouble. Or if Snape gives you hell. I'll give him a piece of my mind.

Talk soon



The term passed slowly. Harry sent letters frequently, complaining about Snape teaching defence, and Draco Malfoy. But he seemed happy. Safe.

The Christmas holidays could not come soon enough. Harry arrived at Grimald place with Ron. They both looked tired and stressed.

"Something bothering you boys?" Sirius asked.

"Lavender is." Ron explained, "She's driving me insane!"

"Lavender Brown is Ron's new girlfriend" Harry explained the others who looked confused, "they got together after we won the first Quiddich match against Slytherin."

"Now, I'm not sure why I got with her!" Ron cried and he collapsed in a chair.

"I don't either," Harry said sitting down next to him, "Really, you two are always together. It's kinda gross"

"Well, I'm sure you'll sort it out." James told Ron, "Sirius and I had the same issue during school. The girls where so clingy"

"You loved it really" Remus interjected.

"Maybe a little" Sirius admitted, "It was fun having girls desperate to date you"

"Know that feeling" Harry told them, "Apparently, according to Hermione, there are a group of girls trying to slip me love potion. She couldn't do anything though."

"Watch out then Harry, love potions are tricky things." James said.

"Don't worry. I am"


The holidays went quickly. Before they knew it, James was seeing Harry and Ron off on the train.

"You've got everything?" Remus asked

Harry and Ron nodded, lifting their trunks onto the train. Harry turned back to them, "I'll write if anything happens, you know I always do"

James made sure no one was looking before ruffling Harry's hair, "Be safe" He said as the pair boarded the train

"And watch out for those girls," Sirius shouted, over the whistle. And the train pulled away.

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