Why Do You Do This

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A lot happened in the terms that followed. A few weeks after Christmas, Harry sent James a letter about the girls they'd been having problems with.

'Prongs, the girls who were after me have helped to solve twoboth of our problems. A girl by the name of Romilda Vane left me some chocolates, for Valentine's Day. They were laced with love potion. Ron ate them. I went to Slughorn and we reversed the potion, but then Ron got poisoned. He's alright. Problem number one solved. As for number two, the after effects of the potion made Ron admit that he loved Hermione. He doesn't know he said it but Lavender was there when he did. It was hilarious. I'll write soon. Harry.'

James sighed as he passed his letter to the other, "Typical girl problems"

The others laughed as they read the letter. "At least Ron is alright" Remus commented

"Yes. Hopefully Harry won't run in to any into any more trouble this year" James said.


How wrong James was. He received regular letters from Harry, updating him on what Dumbledore was teaching him. He said that Dumbledore was taking him on an important trip, related to Voldemort. It must have been important as it was brought up often.

And then the letter came. The one he was dreading.

'Prongs, I was right. Dumbledore is taking me out afterof school to go to a cave where Voldemort went as a child. Tonight. I got this memory from Slughorn that confirmed Dumbledore suspicions of Voldemort, He's been creating Horcruxes. Seven of them to be more specific. Dumbledore thinks there's one at the cave, that's why we're going. To get it. More to the point, I know how to destroy him. And I will.

I'll send for you as soon as I get back.


That was not what he wanted to hear, but one he knew would come eventually. He placed the letter in his desk drawer with the others from Harry. Then he wrote one sentence in reply;

'I know you'll be with Dumbledore but stay safe'

The wait that followed was agony. James paced the house. Eventually he got on Sirius's nerves.

"Will you sit down, James. It's hard to focus" He was playing wizard chess with Remus.

"I can't," James exclaimed, "I just can't. He may be with Dumbledore, but I've just got that feeling that something's going to go wrong."

"We'll hear from him soon" Remus told him, "It's almost 10. Even Dumbledore won't keep Harry out this late"

An owl flew in through the open window. It was one on the school owls, one that James knew was faster than Hedwig. Could this have the news he was waiting for. James tore open the letter and read it out loud.

"I think you should come to the school. All three of you. Floo straight into the head's office. McGonagall" James looked up from the others, then, without a word went to the fire place and flooed to the school, the others close behind him.

McGonagall was waiting for them there. She had a sad look on her face. He thought the worst had happened.

"Where's Harry?" He asked, trying to keep his voice steady.

"He's being checked over by Poppy. He'll be here in a moment" She sighed, "But that's not why I called you here. It Dumbledore. He's." She chocked up a sob, "He's dead."

"How?" Remus asked

"I don't know. But he landed at the bottom of the astronomy tower."

At that moment Harry entered the room. He looked battered and bruised but at least he was alive. James strode over to him and pulled him into a hug. Harry started to protest, but eventually gave in, when he saw he was going to lose.

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