19 Years Later

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Kings Cross station was packed, as usual. A family of six were making their way through the crowds, gaining odd looks as they went, thanks to the owls.

As they approached the barrier between platforms 9 and 10, the child in front sped up and vanished. He was shortly followed by his family.

"James," Harry called, "Not so fast, Sirius will want to see you"

James Sirius Potter sighed, "Okay. I'll be back in a minute" He vanished into the crowds.

"Dad, what happens if I'm put in Slytherin?" asked Harry's second son, now that his brother had gone.

"Then they will have gained a brilliant pupil"

Albus Severus smiled and pushed on to join James Potter Sr. who had found Sirius, Remus and the other Weasley's.

"But mum, I want to go to!" complained Lily Luna.

"You will, in two years" Ginny told her. Harry smiled, they had the same conversation last year when James started Hogwarts.

"But I don't want to wait"

"Well I had to wait to. So stop complaining"

Harry walked over, "Hugo's waiting for you, Lils"

She ran off to find him while Harry and Ginny joined James, Sirius and Remus. Remus had been asked to bring Victoire and Dominique along as Fleur and Bill were busy. Sirius and Teddy had come along to. Sirius for the hell of it and Teddy to see his extended family.

James Sirius came running towards them all, a big grin on his face, "Teddy's kissing Vicky!" he exclaimed as he reached them, "He says he was just saying goodbye but it was more than that!"

Sirius and James sniggered. Remus and Harry were shaking their heads in dismay. Only in their family.

A whistle blew. Teddy appeared after jumping off. Harry, Ginny, Ron, Hermione and the rest of the family kissed their children goodbye. Albus looked down the train and saw everyone staring.

"Why's everyone staring at us" he asked

"Don't worry." Ron told him, "It's me. I'm extremely famous"

Harry laughed, "It's another story for another day. Maybe we'll tell you over Christmas"

Another whistle blew. Everyone waved as the train pulled away from platform 9 ¾ and out of sight. And as Harry lowered his hand. James smiled as it hovered on the scar that had not hurt for years. All was well.

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