Need a Hand

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The Order made it to the Room with no trouble. Aberforth Dumbledore was a bit miffed with having to let so many people through his pub. The Room itself was crowded. Banners hung from the wall, although there was a lack of Slytherin banners.

Harry was stood in the middle of the room, discussing plans with his former peers. James made his way to the front of the platform. No one had noticed the Order arrive.

"Hey Harry," James shouted. They all spun round to look at the Order, "Need a hand?"

"Dad!" Harry shouted back. James led the Order down the ladder. As soon as he reached the bottom, he was rugby tackled into a hug by his son, "What are you doing here?"

"We came to help. The castles big. You're not going to be able to cover it all by yourself."

"But everyone will find out about you. Are you sure you're ready for that"

"If it means I can live with you, I'm all for it"

Harry smiled, "Come on, I'll fill you in on the plan"

Before they could even make a plan, Ginny burst into the room. She paused upon seeing Harry, Ron and Hermione.

"Ginny" Neville prompted

Ginny recovered, "Snape knows Harry was spotted in Hogsmead. He want all students in the great hall."

"Ok" Harry said, "Has anyone got some spare Gryffindor robes? I want to sneak in to the great hall."


James listened by the door to the great hall. Harry was inside with most of the DA. The Order and old DA members where in the entrance hall, waiting for Harry's cue to burst in.

"Anyone found to have any knowledge on the where abouts of Mr Potter will be punished" said Snape. The prat.

"Well it seems, that despite your best efforts, Headmaster," came Harry's voice, "You still have a bit of a security problem"

The group in the entrance hall burst into the great hall. Hermione and Ron were front and centre with some of the Aurors. James stood hidden in the middle of the group, not to let too many people know that he was there. But that didn't last long. Snape drew his wand on Harry, who was in the centre of the hall.

James pushed forward and ran in front of Harry, "Don't you dare touch my son" he shouted, wand aimed at Snape's chest.

"What you going to do Potter?" he taunted, not bothered by the gasps that went round the students.

"Try me, Snivillus," James shouted back, "Being coped up for a long time has given me the opportunity to learn some slightly more damaging jinxes than the ones we used at school." James was then joined by Sirius and Remus, who also had their wands aimed at Snape.

Knowing he was going to lose this battle, Snape fled through the window behind him.

"Coward" The Marauders shouted at him as he went. Cheering went up all round the hall. McGonagall flicked her wand, lighting all the torches. The celebrations, however, were short lived as Voldemort sent a message to the people in the castle, demanding they hand over Harry.

McGonagall ordered all the Slytherins into the dungeon, where they could not do any harm, as most were children of Death Eaters. As well as that all those underage were ordered back to their common rooms and Harry dashed off to find whatever it was he needed to find.

The teachers and members of the Order took student to points of the castle to help reinforce the defence system. It was all they could do. An explosion rung out as Neville, Seamus, Dean and Ginny blew up the bridge into the grounds.

Survival Of James PotterWhere stories live. Discover now