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I yawned and pulled the cosy covers around me the chill of the room this morning, the bed felt colder then usual then again I normally have my loving husband attacked to my hip this time of the morning usually his arms are tightly around me his head nuzzled into my neck and kisses all over any part of my skin he could get at, but not thing morning which puzzled me I expected him to be nuzzled up impossibly close to me this morning given everything, but my bed was cold and it felt bigger like I was all alone which I couldn't deny upset me somewhat waking up on this day all alone, I pulled my pillow and covers closer trying to get cosy and snuggle for just a few moments more, even if the breeze from the open balcony and the sunrise both kept threatening to open my eyes and wake me from my pleasant morning snuggling. I sighed once I knew it was getting to late, I was awake I had no choice but to get up now I sat up and pushed the covers off me a little having a big stretch before I opened my eyes, I saw our tower bedroom the large room with out bed in the corner and the opening to the balcony across the way and the fire place across form out bed, every single bit of furniture in the room was covered with bunches of flowers, huge bunches of various flowers from the marshes and some of the flowers that used to grow on the hill beside where I grew up, the flowers where everywhere but the bed and the fire place, there must have been hundreds thousands of flowers, Hundreds of bunches of flowers I smiled widely and blushed hard looking at all the flowers. I got up out of bed running my hand along a few of the sweet petals of a few sweet flowers, and smelling the beautiful blooms around the room, I heard a noise outside so I slipped my dressing gown around me pulling it even closer to me as I passed the billowing green curtains heading out onto the balcony feeling the strong wind across the marshes I went over to the edge and saw the marshes garden of the grey water watch where the godswoods tree sat

"Y/n!" I heard below making me look down seeing Jojen stood in the garden "Happy Valentines day Princess!" he waved

"Happy Valentines Jojen" I blushed

"Did you like your present?"

"Very much jojen,"

"I love you" he blew me a kiss

"I love you too Jojen" I smiled blowing him a kiss back 

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