I yawned as I made my way out of the bed, and across the bedroom. I went over and threw another log on the fire to keep the room warm and cosy, I went and washed myself up.
"Hello My flower" His voice cooed, as I felt his cold arms wrap themselves around my body and his chin settled on my shoulder pressing a kiss to my jaw. "Good Morning"
"Good Morning Jojen" I smiled "What can I do for you? you normally stay snuggled in bed as long as possible"
"The more time I wake up the more time I get with you"
"That's very sweet jojen"
"And I had a little plan for you today"
"Remind me what you're doing today."
"We have all those meetings" I giggled "You have a small council meeting, you have a meeting with the king, a few smaller paper work tasks to do"
"Perfect. If I may... I'd love to be the one to dress you today"
"Dress me?"
"Umm" He nodded "I'd love to be the one to dress you, to choose your pretty dress, your pretty shoes, your pretty hair."
"Well alright" I smiled
"Perfect" he cooed "You stay right here my love." He said settling his hands on my hips to keep me in place I nodded and stood happily he carefully and slowly slipped off my nightie often pressing kisses to my skin, until I stood utterly naked "Just a moment. I can't help myself your so beautiful" he cooed cuddling me tight to his body and kissing all over my skin, "Now, let's get you warm" He smiled he went to the wardrobe and fetched a long sleeve, long white underdress he helped me into it and laced it up for me, "There all ready"
"Jojen. This is just my underdress!" I argued
"I know. I'm only fooling" he chuckled "Let's get your petty socks" he smiled fetching my thigh-high knitted socks and he helped me into them slipping them all the way up to my mid-thigh purposely tickling above the grey socks when he fixed them
"Jojen!" I complained
"I can't help it" he cooed "Boots first or corset first?" he asks
"Boots. Please"
"Alright" he nods fetching my dark black leather boots with a single-inch heel, the laces up the whole boots the top of my boots just below my knee. "Now... your petty dress" He smiled fetching a sweet sage grey-green dress, with long billowy sleeves and a sweetheart neckline, black fur on my cuffs, and hemline. He pulled it on my body and sweetly laced up my dress, he smiled stroking my body as he looked at me "Beautiful, you look so beautiful" He cooed kissing my cheek "Now your corset" he smiled
"Not so tight remember," I told him
"I won't I promise" He smiled fetching my black corset belt hugging my body sweetly pushing up my breasts and tightening my waist as he slowly laced it up "Not too tight?"
"You can do a little more"
"A little more tighter" He nodded fixing my corset a little "That okay?"
"That's perfect" I smiled
"Good," he smiled kissing my head he fetched one of my small bracelets, a sweet silver chain, he braided my hair in a sweet long braid, and then settled a silver circlet in my hair, "There. You look beautiful"
"Thank you jojen, But why did you feel the need to dress me today?"
"I wanted to" he shrugged
"You sure?" I giggled
"Well, We have lots of meetings and important things today, so I wanted my lovely wife to look pretty" he smiled
"Just pretty?"
"I know what people say about you," he said
"As a master of whispers, you should know you cannot prevent people's words"
"I know I can't prevent people's words, but it still doesn't make it easier to hear them say it" he explained "I can't prevent their words. but I can make my wife look insanely beautiful so the only things they say are how beautiful she is" He smiled "If I dress my sweet wife in my house colours and make her look as beautiful as possible perhaps then that is what they shall discuss"
"What else do they discuss about me?"
"If I have my way. You'll never find out" he said
"Jojen" I said turning to him and taking his hand "I am not ashamed of what I was. of who I used to be. of the family I come from."
"And you shouldn't be. Not ever. But... all I want is my wife to look beautiful to have her wear my house colours so all the world can know my love for her no matter the past she's had"
"That's very sweet jojen, come on you need to get dressed now or the council will start without you" I smiled giving him a sweet kiss

Jojen Reed One Shots
FanfictionGame Of Thrones S3 & S4 (HBO) Jojen Reed Plaid Thomas Brodie Sangster One shots/ imagines/ small series