Speak to me

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"I AM NOT DOING IT!" I yell passing around my room

"Yes you are" My father sighed

"no I am not" I order

"Jojen" he sighs

"No no don't you jojen me!" I yell

"Your the eldest boy you have to get married, I made an arrangement she's on her way here" He explains

"I have never even seen her" I complain "Never spoke to her I don't even know what she looks like" I complain

"so do all lordly boys, live with it jojen I never saw your mother till our wedding day" he says "and I loved your mother dearly" he says

"How am I meant to fall in love with a girl I have no intention of marrying" I sigh

"Jojen, this is just one of those things you have to do, it comes with being a boy of your age, your not some bakers boy who gets to chose his wife for love. you marry because you have to" he explained going to lave my room

"Please just tell me she's not a Frey girl" I beg

"Well...." he stuttered

"Your kidding me!" I yell "No way in hell! I'm not marrying a Frey girl!" I yell

"she's not a Frey Jojen" he says "Not exactly" He says

"W-What do you mean not exactly?" I ask

"she's a bastard of a Frey girl" he says "One of the Frey Son's screwed with a a bar girl, and that daughter is who your marrying" he says "You really Think Walder Frey would send one of his daughters or granddaughters to us? were the reeds know one even remembers we are here" he says "You are marrying her Jojen weather you like it or not" he says going to leave

"what's her name?" I ask looking out my window to the swampy marshes

"Y/n Snow" he says as he left

"Snow" I sigh "Y/n Frey in all but name" I sigh.

I stood with my arms crossed in our main hall

"stop it" My father orders making me stop

"I don't want to do this" I tell him

"well, get over it" he says

"How old is she again?" I ask

"Same age as you relax" He says having a drink

"Your sure? your positive I'm not getting a kid?" I ask

"Walder Frey has assured me she has had her blood and she is the same age as you" he says

"Yeah but would he just say that to get rid of his ugly, fat bastard girl over for us to deal with" I ask

"Ohh Grow up jojen, she might be beautiful, she might be amazing, it's one night you can get over it" he laughs "all you have to do is bed the girl give me a grandson then I don't give a shit what you do with her" he laughs "Think positive she's a Frey girl but a bastard so she might actually be descent" He laughs

"I would rather die then do this" I tell him

"I know" he sighed as the door opened it was all the people who would be coming to the wedding tomorrow but even if I was looking I couldn't see anyone I didn't already know, where is this girl then? "it is a pleasure to have you in our house, now uhh where is Miss Snow?" he asks them

"she will not come in, she is rather scared of the whole situation as you can no doubt understand poor little thing, she wont come in till...he goes" Her father told us

Jojen Reed One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now